You've heard of the MERN Stack but how about the MERNG Stack? Adding GraphQL to your stack can make interacting with data even simpler.
We've released a course on the YouTube channel that will teach you how to use MongoDB, Express, Node, React, Node, and GraphQL to create a social media application.
Ahmed from the Classsed YouTube channel developed this course. He has created a bunch of popular software courses that have helped a lot of people.
In this course you will learn how to implement a GraphQL server that uses Node and Express to communicate to a MongoDB Database and fetch and persist data to a social media app back-end.
Here are the sections covered in this course:
- GraphQL explained + tech used
- Server demonstration
- Setting Up Database & Server
- Register & Login Users
- Authentication middleware & Create/Delete posts
- Finishing up the server
- Client start & Apollo setup
- Semantic UI & Routes
- Displaying posts
- Login & Register pages
- Authentication Context
- Adding posts
- Like Button
- Single post page
- Displaying, Adding & Deleting Comments
- Info Popups
- Deployment to Heroku & Netlify
Watch the full course on the YouTube channel (6-hour watch).