Java is a really popular programming language that has been around for over 25+ years. If you are interested in learning Java, then there are plenty of free online courses to choose from.

Java Tutorial for Beginners

In this Programming with Mosh YouTube course, you will learn about strings, arrays, conditionals, loops and more. You will also build a mortgage calculator.

Java Course

In this SoloLearn course, you will learn about arrays, objects, classes, loops, and more.

Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software

In this Coursera course, you will learn about the classes, conditionals, loops, functions and more. You will also learn how to work with CSV files in Java and build a mini project.

Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data

In this Coursera course, you will learn about arrays, cryptography, HashMaps, and more. You will also build a mini project about the Vigenère cipher.

Java Programming: Principles of Software Design

In this Coursera course, you will learn about different sorting algorithms, and the basics of predictive text.

Java Programming Basics

In this Udacity course, you will learn about arrays, objects, classes, loops, debugging, and more.

Once you finish the beginner course, then you can take this intermediate Object Oriented Programming course.

Java Programming

In this Test Automation University course, you will learn about classes, loops, switch statements, conditionals, arrays, strings, abstraction and more.

Intro to Java Programming Course for Absolute Beginners

In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about arrays, objects, classes, loops, debugging, and more.

Learn Functional Programming in Java

In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about the properties of functional programming, callbacks, functional interfaces, combinator pattern, lambdas, and more.

Java Virtual Machine Architecture Explained for Beginners

In this freeCodeCamp article, you will learn about the Java Virtual Machine as well as the architecture behind it.