SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is a language that you use to manage data in databases. SQL consists of commands and declarative statements that act as instructions to the database so it can perform tasks.

You can use SQL commands to create a table in a database, to add and make changes to large amounts of data, to search through it to quickly find something specific, or to delete a table all together.

In this article, we'll look at some of the most common SQL commands for beginners and how you can use them to effectively query a database – that is, make a request for specific information.

The Basic Structure of a Database

Before we get started, you should understand the hierarchy of a database.

An SQL database is a collection of related information stored in tables. Each table has columns that describe the data in them, and rows that contain the actual data. A field is a single piece of data within a row. So to fetch the desired data we need to get specific.

For example, a remote company can have multiple databases. To see a full list of their databases, we can type SHOW DATABASES; and we can zone in on the Employees database.

The output will look something like this:

|     Databases      |
| mysql              |
| information_schema |
| employees          |
| test               |
| sys                |

A single database can have multiple tables. Taking the example from above, to see the different tables in the employees database, we can do SHOW TABLES in employees;. The tables can be Engineering, Product, Marketing, and Sales for the different teams the company has.

| Tables_in_employees  |
| engineering          |
| product              |
| marketing            |
| sales                |

All tables then consist of different columns that describe the data.

To see the different columns use Describe Engineering;. For example the Engineering table can have columns that define a single attribute like employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, country, and salary.

Here's the output:

| Name      |         Null      |      Type    |  
|EMPLOYEE_ID| NOT NULL          | INT(6)       |  
|FIRST_NAME | NOT NULL          |VARCHAR2(20)  |
|LAST_NAME  | NOT NULL          |VARCHAR2(25)  | 
|EMAIL      | NOT NULL          |VARCHAR2(255) |
|COUNTRY    | NOT NULL          |VARCHAR2(30)  |
|SALARY     | NOT NULL          |DECIMAL(10,2) |

Tables also consist of rows, which are individual entries into the table. For example a row would include entries under employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, salary, and country. These rows would define and provide info about one person on the Engineering team.

Basic SQL Queries

All the operatations that you can do with data follow the CRUD acronym.

CRUD stands for the 4 main operations we perform when we query a database: Create, Read, Update, and Delete.

We CREATE information in the database, we READ/Retrieve that information from the database, we UPDATE/manipulate it, and if we want we can DELETE it.

Below we'll look at some basic SQL queries along with their syntax to get started.


To create a database named engineering, we can use the following code:

CREATE DATABASE engineering;


CREATE TABLE table_name (
    column1 datatype,
    column2 datatype,
    column3 datatype

This query creates a new table inside the database.

It gives the table a name, and the different columns we want our table to have are also passed in.

There are a variety of datatypes that we can use. Some of the most common ones are: INT, DECIMAL, DATETIME, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, FLOAT, and BIT.

From our example above, this could look like the following code:

CREATE TABLE engineering (
employee_id  int(6) NOT NULL,
first_name   varchar(20) NOT NULL,
last_name  varchar(25) NOT NULL,
email  varchar(255) NOT NULL,
country varchar(30),
salary  decimal(10,2) NOT NULL

The table we create from this data would look something similar to this:

employee_id first_name last_name email country salary


After creating the table, we can modify it by adding another column to it.

ALTER TABLE table_name 
ADD column_name datatype;

For example, if we wanted we could add a birthday column to our existing table by typing:

ALTER TABLE engineering
ADD  birthday date;

Now our table will look like this:

employee_id first_name last_name email country salary birthday

SQL INSERT Statement

This is how we insert data into tables and create new rows. It's the C part in CRUD.

INSERT INTO table_name(column1, column2, column3,..) 
VALUES(value1, 'value2', value3,..);

In the INSERT INTO part, we can specify the columns we want to fill with information.

Inside VALUES goes the information we want to store. This creates a new record in the table which is a new row.

Whenever we insert string values, they are enclosed in single quotes,''.

For example:

INSERT INTO table_name(employee_id,first_name,last_name,email,country,salary) 

The table would now look like this:

employee_id first_name last_name email country salary
1 Timmy Jones timmy@gmail.com USA 2500.00
2 Kelly Smith ksmith@gmail.com UK 1300.00

SQL SELECT Statement

This statement fetches data from the database. It is the R part of CRUD.

SELECT  column1,column2
FROM    table_name;

From our example earlier, this would look like the following:

SELECT first_name,last_name
FROM   engineering;


|FirstName  | LastName |
| Timmy     | Jones    |
| Kelly     | Smith    |

The SELECT statement points to the specific column we want to fetch data from that we want shown in the results.

The FROM part determines the table itself.

Here's another example of SELECT:

SELECT * FROM table_name;

The asterisk * will grab all the information from the table we specify.

SQL WHERE Statement

WHERE allows us to get more specific with our queries.

If we wanted to filter through our Engineering table to search for employees that have a specific salary, we would use WHERE.

SELECT employee_id,first_name,last_name,email,country
FROM engineering
WHERE salary > 1500

The table from the previous example:

employee_id first_name last_name email country salary
1 Timmy Jones timmy@gmail.com USA 2500.00
2 Kelly Smith ksmith@gmail.com UK 1300.00

Would now have the output below:

|employee_id|first_name|last_name |email           |country     |
|          1| Timmy    |Jones     |timmy@gmail.com | USA        |

This filters through and shows the results that satisfy the condition – that is, it shows only the rows of the people whose salary is more than 1500.

SQL AND, OR, and BETWEEN Operators

These operators allow you to make the query even more specific by adding more criteria to the WHERE statement.

The AND operator takes in two conditions and they both must be true in order for the row to be shown in the result.

SELECT column_name
FROM table_name
WHERE column1 =value1
    AND column2 = value2;

The OR operator takes in two conditions, and either one must be true in order for the row to be shown in the result.

SELECT column_name
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name = value1
    OR column_name = value2;

The BETWEEN operator filters out within a specific range of numbers or text.

SELECT column1,column2
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2;

We can also use these operators in combination with each other.

Say our table was now like this:

employee_id first_name last_name email country salary
1 Timmy Jones timmy@gmail.com USA 2500.00
2 Kelly Smith ksmith@gmail.com UK 1300.00
3 Jim White jwhite@gmail.com UK 1200.76
4 José Luis Martìnez jmart@gmail.com Mexico 1275.87
5 Emilia Fischer emfis@gmail.com Germany 2365.90
6 Delphine Lavigne lavigned@gmail.com France 2108.00
7 Louis Meyer lmey@gmail.com Germany 2145.70

If we used a statement like the one below:

SELECT * FROM engineering
WHERE  employee_id BETWEEN 3 AND 7
        country = 'Germany';

We'd get this output:

|employee_id | first_name| last_name | email          |country |salary  |
|5           |Emilia     |Fischer    |emfis@gmail.com | Germany| 2365.90|
|7           |Louis      |Meyer      |lmey@gmail.com  | Germany| 2145.70|

This selects all comlumns that have an employee_id between 3 and 7 AND have a country of Germany.

SQL ORDER BY Statement

ORDER BY sorts by the columns we mentioned in the SELECT statement.

It sorts through the results and presents them in either descending or ascending alphabetical or numerical order (with the default order being ascending).

We can specify that with the command: ORDER BY column_name DESC | ASC .

SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name,salary
FROM engineering

In the example above, we sort through the employees' salaries in the engineering team and present them in descending numerical order.

SQL GROUP BY Statement

GROUP BY lets us combine rows with identical data and similarites.

It is helpful to arrange duplicate data and entries that appear many times in the table.

SELECT column_name, COUNT(*)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column_name;

Here COUNT(*) counts each row separately and returns the number of rows in the specified table while also preservering duplicate rows.

SQL LIMIT Statement

LIMIT lets you spefify the maximum number of rows that should be returned in the results.

This is helpful when working through a large dataset which can cause queries to take a long time to run. By limiting the results you get, it can save you time.

SELECT column1,column2
FROM table_name
LIMIT number;

SQL UPDATE Statement

This is how we update a row in a table. It's the U part of CRUD.

UPDATE table_name 
SET column1 = value1, 
    column2 = value2 
WHERE condition;

The WHERE condition specifies the record you want to edit.

UPDATE engineering
SET    country = 'Spain'
WHERE   employee_id = 1

Our table from before:

employee_id first_name last_name email country salary
1 Timmy Jones timmy@gmail.com USA 2500.00
2 Kelly Smith ksmith@gmail.com UK 1300.00
3 Jim White jwhite@gmail.com UK 1200.76
4 José Luis Martìnez jmart@gmail.com Mexico 1275.87
5 Emilia Fischer emfis@gmail.com Germany 2365.90
6 Delphine Lavigne lavigned@gmail.com France 2108.00
7 Louis Meyer lmey@gmail.com Germany 2145.70

Would now look like this:

employee_id first_name last_name email country salary
1 Timmy Jones timmy@gmail.com Spain 2500.00
2 Kelly Smith ksmith@gmail.com UK 1300.00
3 Jim White jwhite@gmail.com UK 1200.76
4 José Luis Martìnez jmart@gmail.com Mexico 1275.87
5 Emilia Fischer emfis@gmail.com Germany 2365.90
6 Delphine Lavigne lavigned@gmail.com France 2108.00
7 Louis Meyer lmey@gmail.com Germany 2145.70

This updates the country of residence column of an employee with an id of 1.

We can also update information in a table with values from another table with JOIN.

UPDATE table_name
SET table_name1.column_name1 = table_name2.column_name1
    table_name1.column_name2 = table_name2.column2
FROM table_name1
JOIN table_name2 
    ON table_name1.column_name = table_2.column_name;

SQL DELETE Statement

DELETE is the D part of CRUD. It's how we delete a record from a table.

The basic syntax looks like this:

DELETE FROM table_name 
WHERE condition;

For instance, in our engineering example that could look like this:

DELETE FROM engineering
WHERE employee_id = 2;

This deletes the record of an employee in the engineering team with an id of 2.


To remove a specific column from the table we would do this:

ALTER TABLE table_name 
DROP COLUMN column_name;


To delete the whole table we can do this:

DROP TABLE table_name;


In this article we went over some of the basic queries you'll use as a SQL beginner.

We learned how to create tables and rows, how to gather and update information, and finally how to delete data. We also mapped the SQL queries to their corresponding CRUD actions.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!