React is a popular open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
React has a slim API, a robust and evolving ecosystem, and a great community.
We published a comprehensive 10-hour course on the YouTube channel that teaches everything you need to know about React.
This course was created by John Smilga from Coding Addict. John is an experienced teacher who has created over 500 coding tutorials.
In this course you will learn about:
- React fundamentals
- React hooks
- the context API
- React router
- custom hooks
- and more
By the end of this video you will have a good grasp on how to use React for your next project.
Here are all the React topics covered in this comprehensive course:
- About React
- Goals
- Structure
- Course Requirements
- Dev Environment Setup
- Text Editor Setup
- Command Line Basics
- NPM Basics
- Create-React-App
- Install Create-React-App
- Folder Structure
- Clean Boilerplate
- First Component
- Text Editor Setup
- First Component In Detail
- JSX Rules
- Nested Components And Tools
- Mini Book Project
- CSS Basics
- JSX Css
- JSX Javascript
- Props
- Props Destructuring
- Props - Children
- Simple List
- Proper List
- Key Prop And Spread Operator
- Event Basics
- Import And Export Statements
- Free Hosting
- Advanced Intro
- Get Starter Project
- Install Starter
- Starter Overview
- UseState - Simple Use Case
- UseState - Basics
- General Rules Of Hooks
- UseState - Array Example
- UseState - Object Example
- UseState - Multiple State Values
- Simple Counter
- Functional Update Form
- Matching Project
- useEffect - Basics
- useEffect - Conditional
- useEffect - Dependency List
- useEffect - Cleanup Function
- useEffect - Fetch Data
- Multiple Returns
- Multiple Returns - Fetching Data
- Short - Circuit Evaluation
- Ternary Operator
- Show/Hide Component
- Form Basics
- Controlled Inputs
- Add Item To The List
- Multiple Inputs
- useRef
- useReducer - UseState Setup
- useReducer - Refactor
- useReducer - Add Item
- useReducer - Remove Item
- Prop Drilling -
- Context API / - useContext
- Custom Hooks - useFetch
- PropTypes - Setup
- PropTypes - Images
- PropTypes - Default Values
- React Router Intro
- React Router - Basic Setup
- React Router - Error And Switch Component
- React Router - Links
- React Router - URL Params And Placeholder
- React Optimization Warning
- React.memo
- useCallback
- useMemo
- useCallback - Fetch Example
Watch the full course on the YouTube channel (10-hour watch).