by Prashant Yadav

How to implement a stack in vanilla JavaScript and ES6

A stack is an ordered collection of items that follow the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. The addition and removal of items take place at the same end, i.e. at the top. The newest elements are at the top, and the oldest elements are at the bottom.

A stack of books: Pixabay

We have many examples of stacks around us like a pile of books, a stack of trays or dishes, etc.

A Stack is used by compilers in programming languages, by computer memory to store variables and function calls, and in text editors to perform undo & redo operations.

List of operations performed on Stack

  • push(): Adds a single or multiple items to the top of the Stack.
  • pop(): Removes and Returns the top item of the Stack.
  • peek(): Returns the top item of the Stack.
  • isEmpty(): Returns True if Stack is empty, False otherwise.
  • clear(): Removes all the items from the Stack.
  • size(): Returns the length of the stack.

Creating a Stack

A classical approach

We are going to implement a stack like how it is implemented in other languages apart from JavaScript.

We will use an array and an extra variable to keep track of the items.

function Stack(){   var items = [];   var top = 0;   //other methods go here }

Push an item in the Stack

//Push an item in the Stackthis.push = function(element){  items[top++] = element } //top++, first performs the operation then increment's the value

Pop an item from the Stack

//Pop an item from the Stackthis.pop = function(){  return items[--top]; } //--top, first decrements the value then performs the operation

Peek top item from the Stack

//peek an item in the Stackthis.peek = function(){   return items[top - 1]; }

Check if Stack is empty

//Is stack emptythis.isEmpty = function(){   return top === 0; }

Clear the Stack

//clear the stackthis.clear= function(){   top = 0; }

Size of the Stack

//Size of the Stackthis.size = function(){   return top; }

Complete implementation of the Stack

function Stack(){   var items = [];   var top = 0;   //other methods go here 
  //Push an item in the Stack   this.push = function(element){      items[top++] = element   } //top++, first performs the operation then increment's the value 
  //Pop an item from the Stack   this.pop = function(){      return items[--top];   } //--top, first decrements the value then performs the operation 
  //Peek top item of the Stack   this.peek = function(){      return items[top - 1];   } 
  //Is Stack empty   this.isEmpty = function(){     return top === 0;   } 
  //Clear the Stack   this.clear = function(){     top = 0;   } 
  //Size of the Stack   this.size = function(){      return top;   }


We will now create a new instance of what we have implemented and check if it is working correctly.

var stack = new Stack(); //creating new instance of Stack stack.push(1); stack.push(2); stack.push(3); console.log(stack.peek()); console.log(stack.isEmpty()); console.log(stack.size()); console.log(stack.pop()); console.log(stack.size()); stack.clear(); console.log(stack.isEmpty()); 
Output: 3 false 3 3 2 true

Stack implementation with JavaScript

We are going to implement a stack with a JavaScript array which has inbuilt methods like push and pop.

function Stack(){   var items = [];   //other methods go here }

Push an item in the Stack

//push an item in the Stackthis.push = function(element){   items.push(element); }

Pop an item from the Stack

//Pop an item from the Stackthis.pop = function(){   return items.pop(); }

Peek top item from the Stack

//Peek top item of the Stackthis.peek = function(){   return items[items.length - 1]; }

Check if Stack is empty

//Is Stack emptythis.isEmpty = function(){    return items.length === 0; }

Clear the Stack

//Clear the Stackthis.clear = function(){   items.length = 0; }

Size of the Stack

//Size of the Stackthis.size = function(){   return items.length; }

Complete implementation of Stack

function Stack(){   var items = [];   //other methods go here 
  //Push a item in the Stack   this.push = function(element){      items.push(element);   } 
  //Pop a item from the Stack   this.pop = function(){      return items.pop();   } 
  //Peek top item of the Stack   this.peek = function(){      return items[items.length - 1];   }
  //Is Stack empty   this.isEmpty = function(){      return items.length === 0;   } 
  //Clear the Stack   this.clear = function(){      items.length = 0;   } 
  //Size of the Stack   this.size = function(){      return items.length;   } 

Making the properties and methods private with closure and IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression).

var Stack = (function () {   return function Stack(){     var items = [];    //other methods go here 
    //Push an item in the Stack     this.push = function(element){        items.push(element);     } 
    //Pop an item from the Stack     this.pop = function(){        return items.pop();     } 
    //Peek top item from the Stack     this.peek = function(){        return items[items.length - 1];     } 
    //Is Stack empty     this.isEmpty = function(){         return items.length === 0;     } 
    //Clear the Stack     this.clear = function(){        items.length = 0;     }         //Size of the Stack this.size = function(){        return items.length;     }   }})();

Stack using ES6.

class Stack{  constructor(){    this.items = [];  }     //other methods go here   //Push an item in the Stack   push = function(element){     this.items.push(element);   }
//Pop an item from the Stack   pop = function(){     return this.items.pop();   }        //Peek top item from the Stack   peek = function(){     return this.items[this.items.length - 1];   }
//Is Stack empty   isEmpty = function(){     return this.items.length === 0;   }
//Clear the Stack   clear = function(){      this.items.length = 0;   }        //Size of the Stack   size = function(){     return this.items.length;   }}

Stack using ES6 WeakMap.

const items = new WeakMap();class Stack{  constructor(){    items.set(this, []);  }     //other methods go here   //Push an item in the Stack   push = function(element){     let temp = items.get(this);     temp.push(element);   }
//Pop an item from the Stack   pop = function(){     let temp = items.get(this);     return temp.pop();   }        //Peek top item from the Stack   peek = function(){     let temp = items.get(this);     return temp[temp.length - 1];   }
//Is Stack empty   isEmpty = function(){     let temp = items.get(this);     return temp.length === 0;   }
//Clear the Stack   clear = function(){      let temp = items.get(this);      temp.length = 0;   }        //Size of the Stack   size = function(){     let temp = items.get(this);     return temp.length;   }}

Making the properties and methods private with closure and IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) for Stack using ES6 WeakMap.

let Stack = (() => {  const items = new WeakMap();  return class Stack{    constructor(){      items.set(this, []);    }
//other methods go here     //Push an item in the Stack     push = function(element){       let temp = items.get(this);       temp.push(element);     }
//Pop an item from the Stack     pop = function(){       let temp = items.get(this);       return temp.pop();     }
//Peek top item from the Stack     peek = function(){       let temp = items.get(this);       return temp[temp.length - 1];     }
//Is Stack empty     isEmpty = function(){       let temp = items.get(this);       return temp.length === 0;     }
//Clear the Stack     clear = function(){        let temp = items.get(this);        temp.length = 0;     }
//Size of the Stack     size = function(){       let temp = items.get(this);       return temp.length;     }  }})();

Time Complexity

# Average

Access: Θ(N)

Search: Θ(N)

Insert: Θ(1)

Delete: Θ(1)

# Worst

Access: O(N)

Search: O(N)

Insert: O(1)

Delete: O(1)

Space Complexity

# Worst: O(N)

There are lots of problems where Stack can be the perfect data structure needed for the solution.

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