Learning how to code can help you start a great career as a software developer. There are many free courses you can take to cultivate the skills need to become a developer.
In this article, I'm going to show you 152 beginner friendly courses where you can learn computer science and programming for free.
The freeCodeCamp courses are completely free and some of them include a free certification that you can add to your LinkedIn or résumé.
Note that some of the non-freeCodeCamp courses I've listed here (such as the university courses) are free to audit, but do require you to pay a fee if you want a certificate.
Here is the complete list of free courses, arranged by topic. Once you find a course that interests you, click that link and it will jump you down to a more detailed description of that course.
Computer Science Courses (16)
Introduction to Programming and Computer Science (freeCodeCamp)
Data Structures - Computer Science Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
CS50's Introduction to Computer Science (Harvard University)
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (MIT)
Big O Notation (freeCodeCamp)
Graph Algorithms for Technical Interviews (freeCodeCamp)
Recursion in Programming (freeCodeCamp)
Data Structures - Full Course Using C and C++ (freeCodeCamp)
Dynamic Programming - Learn to Solve Algorithmic Problems & Coding Challenges (freeCodeCamp)
Algorithms and Data Structures (freeCodeCamp)
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python - Full Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python Part 1 (Rice University)
Learn to Program: The Fundamentals (University of Toronto)
Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming (The University of Edinburgh)
Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code (University of Toronto)
Git and Github Courses (4)
Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course (freeCodeCamp)
Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners (Brad Traversy)
Git Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Git in 1 Hour (Programming with Mosh)
Git Tutorial for Beginners - Git & GitHub Fundamentals In Depth (Tech With Tim)
HTML Courses (8)
Basic HTML and HTML5 (freeCodeCamp)
HTML Full Course - Build Your Own Website (freeCodeCamp)
Introduction to HTML5 (University of Michigan)
HTML Tutorial for Beginners: HTML Crash Course 2021 (Programming with Mosh)
HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners (Traversy Media)
Learn HTML (Codecademy)
HTML For Beginners The Easy Way (html.com)
HTML Crash Course for Beginners - Website Tutorial (freeCodeCamp)
CSS Courses (15**)**
Responsive Web Design (freeCodeCamp)
Intro to HTML and CSS (Udacity)
HTML and CSS Tutorial (MarkSheet)
CSS Tutorial - Zero to Hero (freeCodeCamp)
CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners (Traversy Media)
Introduction to CSS3 (University of Michigan)
CSS Basics (W3C)
Sass Tutorial for Beginners - CSS With Superpowers (freeCodeCamp)
Bootstrap 5 tutorial - crash course for beginners in 1.5H (Keep Coding YouTube channel)
Learn CSS Media Queries by Building 3 Projects (freeCodeCamp)
CSS Flexbox Crash Course (freeCodeCamp)
Learn Bootstrap 5 and SASS by Building a Portfolio Website (freeCodeCamp)
Tailwind CSS Crash Course (Traversy Media)
HTML and CSS ( The Odin Project)
Bootstrap CSS Framework - Full Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
UI/UX (12**)**
Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, and Ideate (Google)
Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma (Google)
Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD (Google)
Free Adobe XD Tutorial: User Experience Design Course with Adobe XD Course (Bring Your Own Laptop Youtube channel)
The 2019 UI Design Crash Course for Beginners (DesignCourse)
Figma Tutorial - A Free UI Design/Prototyping Tool (DesignCourse)
UXpin: Free UX Ebooks (uxpin.com)
Figma Course - Web Design Tutorial for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
Figma Tutorial for UI Design - Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
JavaScript Courses (13)
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (freeCodeCamp)
Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
Full Stack JavaScript (The Odin Project)
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial (javascript.info)
JavaScript Tutorial (javascripttutorial.net)
LearnJS (learn-js.org)
JavaScript (SoloLearn)
JavaScript Programming (freeCodeCamp)
JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners: Learn JavaScript in 1 Hour (Programming with Mosh)
TypeScript Course for Beginners 2021 - Learn TypeScript from Scratch! (Academind)
Backend Development and API's (freeCodeCamp)
Node.js and Express.js - Full Course (freeCodeCamp)
Node.js Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Node in 1 Hour (Programming with Mosh)
JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries (14)
freeCodeCamp React Course (freeCodeCamp)
React Course - Beginner's Tutorial for React JavaScript Library [2022] (freeCodeCamp)
Scrimba React course (Scrimba)
React JS - React Tutorial for Beginners (Programming with Mosh)
React JS Crash Course 2021 (Brad Traversy)
freeCodeCamp Redux Course (freeCodeCamp)
Thinkster Angular Tutorial (Thinkster)
Angular Crash Course (Brad Traversy)
Learn Angular - Full Tutorial Course (freeCodeCamp)
Vue.js Course for Beginners [2021 Tutorial] (freeCodeCamp)
Vue JS Crash Course 2021 (Brad Traversy)
Data Visualization with D3, JavaScript, React - Full Course [2021] (freeCodeCamp)
Next.js for Beginners - Full Course (freeCodeCamp)
Python Courses (22)
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) (University of Michigan)
Python Data Structures (University of Michigan)
Using Python to Access Web Data (University of Michigan)
Using Databases with Python (University of Michigan)
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1) (Rice University)
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2) (Rice University)
Scientific Computing with Python (freeCodeCamp)
Python Django Web Framework - Full Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
Learn Python - Full Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
The Python Handbook (Flavio Copes)
Python Tutorials for Absolute Beginners (CS Dojo)
Studytonight (studytonight.com/python/)
Python Core (SoloLearn)
Python Basics with Sam (freeCodeCamp)
Python Beginner Tutorials (Pythonspot)
Python Tutorial (PythonForBeginners)
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (Al Sweigart)
Python Crash Course For Beginners (Traversy Media)
Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners (Programming with Mosh)
PySpark Tutorial (freeCodeCamp)
Python Backend Web Development Course (with Django) (freeCodeCamp)
Flask Course - Python Web Application Development (freeCodeCamp)
Mobile App Development Courses (5)
Android Development for Beginners - Full Course (freeCodeCamp)
React Native Tutorial for Beginners - Build a React Native App [2020] (Programming with Mosh)
Kotlin Course - Tutorial for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners (Code with Chris)
Learn iOS Development by Building a Netflix Clone (freeCodeCamp)
Game Development Courses (5)
CS50's Introduction to Game Development (Harvard)
Learn Unity - Beginner's Game Development Tutorial (freeCodeCamp)
Create A 2.5D Platformer Game With Unreal Engine (freeCodeCamp)
Pygame Tutorial for Beginners - Python Game Development Course (freeCodeCamp)
Godot Game Engine Tutorial - Make a 2D Platformer Game (freeCodeCamp)
C, C++, C# Courses (7)
C Programming Tutorial for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course (freeCodeCamp)
C# Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
C Course (SoloLearn)
C++ Course (SoloLearn)
C# Course (SoloLearn)
Learn C++ Programming for Beginners – Free 31-Hour Course (freeCodeCamp)
Java Courses (12)
Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data (Coursera)
Java Programming Basics (Udacity)
Java Programming (Test Automation University)
Intro to Java Programming Course for Absolute Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
Learn Functional Programming in Java (freeCodeCamp)
Java Virtual Machine Architecture Explained for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
Java Tutorial for Beginners [2020] (Programming with Mosh)
Spring Boot Tutorial for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
Java Testing - JUnit 5 Crash Course (freeCodeCamp)
Java Course (SoloLearn)
PHP Courses (4)
PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course (freeCodeCamp)
PHP For Absolute Beginners (Traversy Media)
Use PHP to Create an MVC Framework - Full Course (freeCodeCamp)
PHP Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course (Envato Tuts)
Ruby on Rails Courses (2)
Learn Ruby on Rails - Full Course (freeCodeCamp)
Full Stack Ruby on Rails (The Odin project)
Databases (13)
Relational Database Curriculum (freeCodeCamp)
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
Learn SQL In 60 Minutes (Web Dev Simplified)
SQL For Beginners Tutorial (Amigoscode)
MySQL Database - Full Course (freeCodeCamp)
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course (Programming with Mosh)
MySQL Crash Course | Learn SQL (Traversy Media)
SQL for Data Science (UC Davis)
Database Systems - Cornell University Course (SQL, NoSQL, Large-Scale Data Analysis) (freeCodeCamp)
SQLite Databases With Python (freeCodeCamp)
Learn PostgreSQL Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
MongoDB Crash Course (Traversy Media)
NoSQL Database Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners (freeCodeCamp)
Computer Science Courses
Introduction to Programming and Computer Science
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about arrays, loops, functions, recursion, conditions, and data structures.
Data Structures - Computer Science Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about arrays, Big O notation, linked lists, hash tables, heaps, and tries.
CS50's Introduction to Computer Science
This Harvard course will teach you basic computer science concepts like algorithms and data structures through a series of problem sets and a final project.
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
This MIT course will teach you basic computer science concepts like algorithms, data structures, testing, and debugging through a series of problem sets.
Introduction to Algorithms
In this MIT course, you will learn about dynamic programming, hashing, graphs, trees and sorting algorithms. You will also learn how to measure the performance of algorithms and data structures.
Big O Notation
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about Big O notation and how to apply it to recursive solutions, iterative solutions, and sorting algorithms.
Graph Algorithms for Technical Interviews
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about breadth first and depth first graph traversals. You will also work on several challenges including connected components count, shortest path, and island count.
Recursion in Programming
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about recursion, divide & conquer algorithms, graphs trees, linked lists and more.
Data Structures - Full Course Using C and C++
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about graphs, trees, linked lists, stacks and queues.
Dynamic Programming - Learn to Solve Algorithmic Problems & Coding Challenges
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to solve several challenges using dynamic programming including fib tabulation, canSum memoization, and canConstruct tabulation.
Algorithm and Data Structures
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about arrays, linked lists, and sorting and searching algorithms.
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python - Full Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn common data structures like linked lists, stacks, queues and common algorithms in Python.
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python Part 1 - Rice University
In this Coursera Rice University course, you will learn about the basic fundamentals behind programming including arrays, loops, functions, recursion, conditions, and data structures.
Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
In this Coursera course, you will learn the basics of programming including strings, loops, functions, tuples, and more using the Python language.
Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming
In this Coursera course, you will learn the fundamentals of programming, algorithms and data structures by using the Scratch platform.
Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code
In this Coursera course, you will learn about popular algorithms like Bubble sort and Binary search and you will also learn about unit testing.
Git and Github Courses
Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about GitHub, version control, SSH keys, and common Git commands.
Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners
In this Brad Traversy course, you will learn about version control and popular Git commands.
Git Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Git in 1 Hour
In this Programming with Mosh course, you will learn about Git and basic commands.
Git Tutorial for Beginners - Git & GitHub Fundamentals In Depth
In this Tech with Tim course, you will learn about staging, branches, pulls and more.
HTML Courses
Basic HTML and HTML5
This freeCodeCamp course will teach you basic HTML5 elements through 28 coding exercises that you can do in the freeCodeCamp online editor (part of the free Responsive Web Design Certification).
HTML Full Course - Build a Website Tutorial
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about basic HTML tags, how to use a text editor, and how to format your web page.
Introduction to HTML5
This University of Michigan course will cover the history of HTML, the Document Object Model, HTML5 tags, and accessibility.
HTML Tutorial for Beginners: HTML Crash Course 2021
Programming with Mosh will teach you the basics of HTML, how the web works, and how to use the browser developer tools.
HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners
This Brad Traversy course will cover the most popular HTML tags and semantic tags.
Learn HTML
In this Codecademy course, you will learn about basic HTML tags, forms, tables, and semantic tags.
HTML For Beginners The Easy Way
This HTML tutorial will cover the history of HTML, popular HTML tags, attributes, and code editors.
HTML Crash Course for Beginners - Website Tutorial
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about headings, images, lists, footers, links, and more.
CSS Courses
Responsive Web Design
In this freeCodeCamp course, you will learn the basics of CSS, applied visual design, applied accessibility, responsive web design principles, CSS Flexbox, and CSS Grid. (Free Certification)
Intro to HTML and CSS
In this Udacity course, you will learn the basics of HTML and CSS.
HTML and CSS Tutorial
In this MarkSheet tutorial, you will learn about CSS text, the box model, positioning, pseudo classes, animations, and Sass.
CSS Tutorial - Zero to Hero
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube tutorial, you will learn about CSS basics, positioning, pseudo classes, and animations.
CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners
In this Brad Traversy YouTube course, you will learn the basics of CSS.
Introduction to CSS3
In this University of Michigan course, you will learn about CSS basics, the box model, positioning, pseudo classes, and animations.
CSS Basics
In this W3C course, you will learn about CSS selectors, layout, positioning, and accessibility.
Sass Tutorial for Beginners – CSS With Superpowers
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about Sass syntax, mixins, variables, nesting, and partials.
Bootstrap 5 tutorial – crash course for beginners in 1.5H
In this Keep coding YouTube course, you will learn about Bootstrap 5 tables, buttons, cards, images, and forms.
Learn CSS Media Queries by Building 3 Projects - Full Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to create responsive layouts for mobile, tablet and desktop sizes by building 3 projects.
CSS Flexbox Crash Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to create responsive layouts in websites using Flexbox.
Learn Bootstrap 5 and SASS by Building a Portfolio Website
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to use Bootstrap and Sass.
Tailwind CSS Crash Course
In this Brad Traversy YouTube course, you will learn how to setup Tailwind CSS and work with utility classes.
In this Odin Project course, you will learn about HTML forms, HTML tables, CSS Flexbox, CSS animations, and more.
Bootstrap CSS Framework - Full Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about the basics of Bootstrap 5 and how to create designs with a mobile first approach.
UI/UX Courses
Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design
In this Google course, you will learn about the basics behind good UX design and accessibility.
Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, and Ideate
In this Google course, you will learn about UX research and Wireframing.
Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes
In this Google course, you will learn about building wireframes, prototypes, and storyboards.
Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts
In this Google course, you will learn how to create a usability study.
Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma
In this Google course, you will learn how to create good design mockups with Figma.
Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD
In this Google course, you will learn how to use Adobe XD and create responsive designs.
Free Adobe XD Tutorial: User Experience Design Course with Adobe XD Course
In this YouTube course, you will learn about the basics of UI/UX design and wireframing.
The 2019 UI Design Crash Course for Beginners
In this YouTube course, you will learn about design fundamentals and Adobe XD.
Figma Tutorial – A Free UI Design/Prototyping Tool
In this YouTube course, you will how to use the Figma design tool.
UXpin: Free UX Ebooks
UXpin is a resource that offers a variety of ebooks on mobile and web wireframing, usability testing, mockups, and more.
Figma Course - Web Design Tutorial for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn the basics of how to use the Figma design tool for both mobile and desktop design.
Figma Tutorial for UI Design - Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about layouts, colors and design principles with Figma.
JavaScript Courses
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
In this freeCodeCamp course, you will learn about basic JavaScript, ES6, regular expressions, basic data structures, Object Oriented Programming, and functional programming. (Free Certification)
Learn JavaScript – Full Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about conditions, loops, functions, objects, arrays, and ES6.
Full stack JavaScript
This Odin Project course will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and NodeJS through a series of lessons and projects.
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript basics, error handling, promises, Async/await, and the DOM.
JavaScript Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn JavaScript fundamentals, ES6, BOM, the DOM, and web APIs.
In this tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript basics, Object-Oriented Programming, inheritance, and data structures.
In this SoloLearn course, you will learn about conditions, loops, functions, objects, arrays, the DOM, and events.
JavaScript Programming
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about the basics of JavaScript and build a black jack game and Google Chrome extension.
JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners: Learn JavaScript in 1 Hour
In this Programming with Mosh course, you will learn about JavaScript basics like objects, arrays, and functions.
TypeScript Course for Beginners 2021 – Learn TypeScript from Scratch!
In this Academind course, you will learn about array types, object types, tuples, function types, and callbacks.
Backend Development and API's
In this freeCodeCamp course, you will learn the basics of Node.js, NPM, Express, and MongoDB. (Free Certification)
Node.js and Express.js – Full Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about NPM commands, different modules, async patterns, events, streams, and HTTP basics.
Node.js Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Node in 1 Hour
In this Programming with Mosh course, you will learn about different modules like the path module, OS module, and the file system module and NPM commands.
JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries
freeCodeCamp React Course
In this freeCodeCamp course, you will learn about JSX, functional components, class components, state, and props. (Part of the free Front End Libraries Certification)
React Course - Beginner's Tutorial for React JavaScript Library [2022]
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about JSX, hooks, state, props, and more. You will also build several projects including an Airbnb clone and meme generator.
Scrimba React course
In this Scrimba course, you will learn about JSX, reusable components, state, lifecycle methods, and hooks.
React JS – React Tutorial for Beginners
In this Programming with Mosh course, you will learn about props, state, hooks, debugging React apps, and handling events.
React JS Crash Course 2021
In this Brad Traversy course, you will learn about JSX, props, state, hooks, React icons, and conditional rendering.
freeCodeCamp Redux Course
In this freeCodeCamp course, you will learn about actions, reducers, and stores. (Part of free Front End Libraries Certification)
Redux For Beginners | React Redux Tutorial
In this Dev Ed tutorial, you will learn about actions, reducers, stores, combineReducers, and Redux DevTools.
Thinkster Angular Tutorial
In this Thinkster tutorial, you will learn about lifecycle hooks, styled components, NgModel, and Angular directives.
Angular Crash Course
In this Brad Traversy course, you will learn about components, services, and modules.
Learn Angular – Full Tutorial Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about interpolation and expressions, lifecycle hooks, components, routing, and directives.
Vue.js Course for Beginners [2021 Tutorial]
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about directives, data-binding, Vue devtools, props and slots, and more.
Vue JS Crash Course 2021
In this Brad Traversy course, you will learn the basics of Vue.js by building a Random User Generator and Task Tracker.
Data Visualization with D3, JavaScript, React – Full Course [2021]
In part one and part two of this D3 course, you will learn about line charts, scatter plots, bar charts, and choropleth maps.
Next.js for Beginners - Full Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to build a recipe app with Next.js, Sanity.io, and Vercel. This course will cover dynamic routing, static assets, serverless functions, and more.
Python Courses
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
In this University of Michigan course, you will learn about the basics of programming like functions, loops, conditions, and variables.
Python Data Structures
In this University of Michigan course, you will learn about tuples, dictionaries, lists, and strings.
Using Python to Access Web Data
In this University of Michigan course, you will learn about XML, APIs, regular expressions, and JSON.
Using Databases with Python
In this University of Michigan course, you will learn about relational SQL, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) applications, and Object-Oriented patterns.
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)
This Rice University course will teach you the basics of programming like functions, loops, conditions and variables.
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)
In this Rice University course, you will learn about tuples, dictionaries, lists and strings.
Scientific Computing with Python
In this freeCodeCamp course, you will learn the basics of Python 3 while building five projects. (Free Certification)
Python Django Web Framework – Full Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about Django templates, Django model forms, and class-based views.
Learn Python - Full Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube Course, you will learn programming basics such as lists, conditionals, strings, tuples, functions, classes and more.
You will also build several small projects like a basic calculator, mad libs game, a translator app, and a guessing game.
The Python Handbook
In this Flavio Copes article, you will learn about strings, lists, tuples, recursion, and more.
You will also learn how to install 3rd party packages and how to work with virtual environments.
Python Tutorials for Absolute Beginners by CS Dojo
In this series of Beginner Python YouTube videos by CS Dojo, you will learn about dictionaries, loops, functions, objects and more.
You will also learn how to build a Twitter bot using Python.
In Studytonight, you will learn about Python basics, error handling, OOP, file handling, complex data types, Multithreading and more.
Once you have learned the basics, you can move onto their other modules which include the NumPy library, Matplotlib, Tkinter, Network Programming in Python, and Web Scraping using Beautiful Soup.
Python Core
In SoloLearn's Python Course, you will learn about strings, variables, OOP, functional programming and more. There are plenty of quizzes, challenges, and projects that you can build along the way.
In order to get started, you will need to create a free account.
Python Basics with Sam (freeCodeCamp)
In this Sam Focht YouTube Series, you will learn about loops, functions, strings, recursion and more.
You will also build several projects including a guessing game, shopping list, a board game, and a random password generator.
Python Beginner Tutorials
In this series of Pythonspot beginner tutorials, you will learn about data types, tuples, objects, classes, dictionaries and more. You will also learn about advanced concepts like recursion, lambda, and threading.
Once you cover the basics, you can move onto machine learning, databases, and GUI's.
Python Tutorial
In this PythonForBeginners tutorial, you will learn about functions, loops, lists, conditionals, error handling and more.
Once you learn the basics, you can explore the other modules on the site including Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Using the YouTube API in Python.
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
In the Automate the Boring Stuff with Python online book, you will learn about dictionaries, strings, debugging, regular expressions and more.
If you prefer a video format, then you can go through the YouTube series that Al Sweigart put together.
Python Crash Course for Beginners
In this Brad Traversy YouTube course, you will learn about lists, tuples, dictionaries, functions, classes and more. Brad will also show you how to work with files and JSON data.
Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners
In this Programming with Mosh YouTube course, you will learn programming basics like variables, loops, strings, tuples, functions, classes and more.
You will also build three projects: one on automation, one on machine learning, and one on building a website with Django.
For additional practice, you can go through Mosh's 53 Python Exercises for Beginners.
PySpark Tutorial
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about PySpark dataframes, PySpark GroupBy and aggregate functions, databricks, and more.
Python Backend Web Development Course (with Django)
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about the basics of Python and Django. You will also build a blog, weather app, and a Realtime Chat App.
Flask Course - Python Web Application Development
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about Flask forms, templates, validations and more by building your own e-commerce website.
Mobile App Development Courses
Android Development for Beginners – Full Course
In part 1 and part 2 of this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to build an Android application using Java.
React Native Tutorial for Beginners – Build a React Native App [2020]
In this Programming with Mosh course, you will learn how to build an iOS and Android app using React Native.
Kotlin Course – Tutorial for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about basic Kotlin functions, class methods, higher-order functions, and the Kotlin standard library.
Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners
In this Code with Chris course, you will learn about the basics of Swift like variables, constants, data types, functions, and classes.
Learn iOS Development by Building a Netflix Clone
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about the basics of using Swift by building a Netflix clone.
Game Development Courses
CS50's Introduction to Game Development
In this Harvard course, you will learn how to work with popular game engines like LÖVE 2D and Unity. You will also work with the Lua and C# programming languages.
Learn Unity – Beginner's Game Development Tutorial
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to get started building games using the Unity game engine.
Create A 2.5D Platformer Game With Unreal Engine
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to work with the Unreal game engine and C++ by building a platformer game.
Godot Game Engine Tutorial - Make a 2D Platformer Game
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to use the Godot game engine while building a platformer gamer.
Pygame Tutorial for Beginners - Python Game Development Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to use PyGame by building a space invaders game.
C, C++, C# Courses
C Programming Tutorial for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about pointers, memory, functions, arrays and more.
C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about pointers, inheritance, arrays, conditionals and more.
C# Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about conditionals, strings, objects, arrays, and more.
C Course
In this SoloLearn course, you will learn about data types, arrays, pointers, loops, strings, unions, memory management and more.
C++ Course
In this SoloLearn course, you will learn about pointers, conditionals, functions, classes, objects, polymorphism and more.
C# Course
In this SoloLearn course, you will learn about arrays, strings, structs, enums and more.
Learn C++ Programming for Beginners – Free 31-Hour Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will about programming fundamentals like flow control, loops, function, arrays, pointers and more.
Java Courses
Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software
In this Coursera course, you will learn about classes, conditionals, loops, functions and more. You will also learn how to work with CSV files in Java and build a mini project.
Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data
In this Coursera course, you will learn about arrays, cryptography, HashMaps, and more. You will also build a mini project about the Vigenère cipher.
Java Programming: Principles of Software Design
In this Coursera course, you will learn about different sorting algorithms, and the basics of predictive text.
Java Programming Basics
In this Udacity course, you will learn about arrays, objects, classes, loops, debugging, and more.
Once you finish the beginner course, then you can take this intermediate Object Oriented Programming course.
Java Programming
In this Test Automation University course, you will learn about classes, loops, switch statements, conditionals, arrays, strings, abstraction and more.
Intro to Java Programming Course for Absolute Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about arrays, objects, classes, loops, debugging, and more.
Learn Functional Programming in Java
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about the properties of functional programming, callbacks, functional interfaces, combinator pattern, lambdas, and more.
Java Virtual Machine Architecture Explained for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp article, you will learn about the Java Virtual Machine as well as the architecture behind it.
Java Tutorial for Beginners [2020]
In this Programming with Mosh YouTube course, you will learn about strings, arrays, conditionals, loops and more. You will also build a mortgage calculator.
Spring Boot Tutorial for Beginners (Java Framework)
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn the basics of how to use this popular Java framework.
Java Testing - JUnit 5 Crash Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about JUnit Architecture, conditional executions, assumptions and more.
Java Course
In this SoloLearn course, you will learn about arrays, objects, classes, loops, and more.
PHP Courses
PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about loops, functions, classes, objects, and more.
PHP For Absolute Beginners
In this Brad Traversy YouTube tutorial, you will learn about objects, loops, arrays and more. You will also build a basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) application.
Use PHP to Create an MVC Framework - Full Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to work with file systems, custom routing, third party packages using composer, and more.
PHP Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course
In this Envato Tuts course, you will learn the basics of PHP like functions, variables arrays and more. You will also learn how to connect a MySQL database to your PHP application.
Ruby on Rails Courses
Learn Ruby on Rails - Full Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to make a Friends List App using Ruby on Rails.
Full Stack Ruby on Rails
In this Odin project curriculum, you will learn about Ruby, relational databases, Ruby on Rails, and more.
Relational Database freeCodeCamp Curriculum
In September of 2021, freeCodeCamp released the beta version of their relational database curriculum. This beta version is run entirely in Visual Studio Code using Docker and a CodeRoad extension.
In this course, you will learn about Git, GitHub, Bash, Nano, SQL, PostgreSQL and more. This is an entirely project-based learning curriculum.
Some of the projects that you will build in the course include a Mario database, World database, Celestial Bodies database, and a Bike rental shop.
To learn more about it, you can read through this article by Tom Mondloch who created the course.
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, Mike Dane will teach you the basics of SQL. You will learn about creating tables, inserting data, wildcards, unions, joins and more.
In this course, you will learn how to install MySQL on your Mac or Windows computer. You will also practice your SQL skills by building a company database and an ER diagram.
If you like this course by Mike Dane, then please check out their YouTube channel for more free courses.
Learn SQL In 60 Minutes
In this Web Dev Simplified YouTube course, Kyle will teach you the basics of getting started with SQL. You will learn about creating tables, inserting data into tables, primary keys, foreign keys, aggregate functions, and more.
This is a great course to take as a quick introduction to learning about the basics. From here you can move onto building your first few projects using SQL.
SQL For Beginners Tutorial
In this Amigoscode YouTube course, Nelson will teach you how to get setup using PostgreSQL on Mac and Windows. You will then learn the basics of SQL including creating tables, primary keys, foreign keys, aggregate functions, and more.
If you enjoy this free YouTube course by Nelson, then you can check out his other courses on his channel or take a look at his paid courses on his website.
MySQL Database - Full Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, Bharath will teach you how to install MySQL on your local machine. You will then learn how to create tables, insert data into tables, do data modeling, locks, use SQL Explain, and more.
Bharath also provides helpful resources to go along with the course including a getting started guide and GitHub repository of the MySQL scripts.
If you enjoyed this course, then you can visit other courses on their YouTube channel.
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course
In this Programming with Mosh YouTube course, Mosh will teach you how to install MySQL on Mac or Windows. You will then learn about creating tables, inserting data into databases, joins, operators, SQL clauses, SQL operators, and more.
If you enjoy this course by Mosh, then you can visit their YouTube channel or his website for paid courses.
MySQL Crash Course | Learn SQL
In this Traversy Media YouTube course, Brad will teach you the basics of getting started with MySQL. You will learn about creating tables, inserting data into tables, altering tables, primary keys, foreign keys, aggregate functions and more.
This is a great course to take as a quick introduction to learning about the basics. From here you can move onto building your first few projects using MySQL.
Brad also includes a MySQL Cheat Sheet with this course.
SQL for Data Science
In this UC Davis course, you will learn the basics of how to use SQL in the context of Data Science. You will learn about creating tables, inserting data into tables, primary keys, foreign keys, aggregate functions, joins, subqueries, and more.
This course is free to audit on Coursera. It is also part of the Learn SQL Basics for Data Science Specialization.
If you are interested in continuing with the specialization, then I would suggest looking into the other three courses offered after this introductory course.
Database Systems - Cornell University Course (SQL, NoSQL, Large-Scale Data Analysis)
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to query database systems, index data, process queries, and more.
Here is part 2 of the course as well.
SQLite Databases With Python - Full Course
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn how to create tables, format results, update records, delete records and more.
Learn PostgreSQL Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about NULLIF, primary keys, foreign keys and more.
MongoDB Crash Course
In this Brad Traversy YouTube course, you will learn how to work with MongoDB shell, MongoDB atlas and more.
NoSQL Database Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners
In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, you will learn about the basics of NoSQL and build two small projects.