原文: All Emojis – Emoji List for Copy and Paste




任意のソーシャルメディアプラットフォームのエディター、または絵文字を使いたい場所に直接コピー & ペーストすることで、これらの絵文字を使うことができます。

プラットフォームやデバイスが異なれば、絵文字の表示方法も異なります。たとえば、ある絵文字が Apple デバイスや Facebook では波打って表示されるのに対し、Twitter ではわずかに丸みを帯びて表示される可能性があります。この記事に記載されている絵文字のほとんどはあらゆるプラットフォームで機能します。

Unicode 文字の使用方法

Unicode 文字は、全ての文字、絵文字、または記号にコードを割り当てる万国共通のエンコーディング規格です。

たとえば、HTML に絵文字を挿入するには、すべての文字の先頭にある U+ を削除して、アルファベットと数字からなる文字参照を入力し、先頭にアンパサンド (&)、番号記号 (#)、および x を追加、最後にセミコロンを追加します。

例えば 🤣 は HTML で大笑い (role on the floor) の絵文字を挿入します。この記事では文字をバッククォート (`) で囲むことで、文字を直接表示させないようにしましたが、文字をバッククォートで囲わないと「🤣」のように表示されます。

コードが数字のみの Unicode、特に記号の場合、x を追加せずに HTML に挿入できます。例えば — により全角ダッシュ (—) が表示されます。


Emoji Meaning Unicode
Smiley Face Emojis
🙂 Slightly smiling face U+1F642
😀 Smiling face U+1F600
😃 Smiling face with big eyes U+1F603
😄 Smiling face with smiling eyes U+1F604
😁 Beaming face with smiling eyes U+1F601
😅 Smiling face with tears U+1F605
😆 Grinning face U+1F606
🤣 Rolling on the floor laughing U+1F923
😂 Laughing with tears U+1F602
🙃 Upside down face U+1F643
😉 Winking face U+1F609
😊 Smiling face with smiling eyes U+1F60A
😇 Smiling face with halo U+1F607
😎 Smiling face with sunglasses U+1F60E
🤓 Nerdy face U+1F913
🧐 Face with monocle U+1F9D0
🥳 Partying face U+1F973
Emotional Faces
🥰 Smiling face with hearts U+1F970
😍 Smiling face with heart eyes U+1F60D
🤩 Star-struck U+1F60D
😘 Face blowing kiss U+1F618
😗 Kissing face U+1F617
Smiling face U+263A
😚 Kissing face with closed eyes U+1F61A
😙 Kissng face with smiling eyes U+1F619
🥲 Smiling face with tears U+1F972
Faces with Tongue Emojis
😋 Yummy face U+1F60B
😛 Face with tongue U+1F61B
😜 WInking face with tongue U+1F61C
🤪 Zanny face U+1F92A
😝 Squinting face with tongue U+1F61D
🤑 Money face with money tongue U+1F911
Faces with Hands Emojis
🤗 Hugs U+1F917
🤭 Face with hand in mouth U+1F92D
🤫 Shushing face U+1F92B
🤔 Thinkin face U+1F914
Neutral Faces Emojis
😐 Neutral face U+1F610
🤐 Zipped mouth U+1F910
🤨 Face with raised eyebrow U+1F928
😑 Expressionless face U+1F611
😶 Face with no mouth U+1F636
😏 Smirking face U+1F60F
😒 Unamused face U+1F612
🙄 Face with rolling eyes U+1F644
😬 Grimacing face U+1F62C
😮‍💨 Grimacing face U+1F4A8
🤥 Lying face U+1F925
Sleepy Faces Emojis
😪 Sleepy face U+1F62A
😴 Sleeping face U+1F634
😌 Relieved face U+1F60C
😔 Pensive face U+1F614
🤤 Drooling face U+1F924
Sick Faces Emojis
😷 Face with mask U+1F637
🤒 Face with thermometer U+1F912
🤕 Face with bandage U+1F915
🤢 Nauseous face U+1F922
🤮 Vomiting face U+1F92E
🤧 Sneezing face U+1F927
🥵 Hot face U+1F975
🥶 Cold face U+1F976
🥴 Woozy face U+1F974
😵 Face with crossed-out face U+1F635
🤯 Face with exploding head U+1F92F
Concerned Faces Emojis
😕 Confused face U+1F615
😟 Worried face U+1F61F
🙁 Slightly frowning face U+1F641
Frowning face U+2639
😮 Face with open mouth U+1F62E
😯 Hushed face U+1F62F
😲 Astonished face U+1F632
😳 Flushed face U+1F633
🥺 Begging face U+1F97A
😦 Frowning face with open mouth U+1F626
😧 Angushed face U+1F627
😨 Fearful face U+1F628
😰 Anxious face with sweat U+1F630
😥 Sad but relieved face U+1F625
😢 Crying face U+1F622
😭 Loudly crying face U+1F62D
😱 Screaming face U+1F631
😖 Confounded face U+1F616
😣 Persevering face U+1F623
😞 Disapointed face U+1F61E
😓 Downcast face with sweat U+1F613
😩 Weary face U+1F629
😫 Tired face U+1F62B
🥱 Yawning face U+1F971
Negative Faces
😤 Face with steam U+1F624
😡 Pouting face U+1F621
😠 Angry face U+1F620
🤬 Face with symbols on mouth U+1F92C
😈 Smiling face with horns U+1F608
👿 Angry face with horns U+1F47F
💀 Skull U+1F480
Skull and cross-bone U+2620
Costume Faces Emojis
💩 Pile of poo U+1F4A9
🤡 Clown U+1F921
👹 Ogre U+1F479
👺 Goblin U+1F47A
👻 Ghost U+1F47B
👽 Alien U+1F47D
👾 Alien monster U+1F47E
🤖 Robot U+1F916
Cat Faces Emojis
😺 Grinnig cat U+1F63A
😸 Grinning cat with smiling eyes U+1F638
😹 Grinning cat with tears U+1F639
😻 Smiling cat with heart eyes U+1F63B
😼 Cat with wry smile U+1F63C
😽 Kissing cat U+1F63D
🙀 Weary cat U+1F640
😿 Crying cat U+1F63F
😾 Pouting cat U+1F63E
Monkey Faces Emojis
🙈 See no evil monkey U+1F648
🙉 Hear no evil monkey U+1F649
🙊 Speak no evil monkey U+1F64A
Emotion Emojis
💋 Kiss U+1F48B
💌 Love letter U+1F48C
💘 Heart with arrow U+1F498
💝 HEart with ribbon U+1F49D
💖 Sparking heart U+1F496
💗 Growing heart U+1F497
💓 Beating heart U+1F493
💞 Revolving heart U+1F49E
💕 Two hearts U+1F495
💟 Heart decoration U+1F49F
Heart exclamation U+2763
💔 Broken heart U+1F494
❤️‍🔥 Heart on fire U+2764
❤️‍🩹 Mending heart U+2764
Red heart U+2764
🧡 Orange heart U+1F9E1
💛 Yellow heart U+1F49B
💚 Green heart U+1F49A
💙 Blue heart U+1F499
💜 Purple heart U+1F49C
🤎 Brown heart U+1F90E
🖤 Black heart U+1F5A4
🤍 White heart U+1F90D
💯 Hundred(correct) U+1F4AF
💢 Anger U+1F4A2
💥 collision U+1F4A5
💫 Dizzy U+1F4AB
💦 Sweat droplets U+1F4A6
💨 Dashing away U+1F4A8
🕳 Hole U+1F573
💣 Bomb U+1F4A3
💬 Message baloon U+1F4AC
👁️‍🗨️ Eye in speech bubble U+1F441
🗨 Left speech bubble U+1F5E8
🗯 Anger bubble U+1F5EF
💭 Thought baloon U+1F4AD
💤 zzz U+1F4A4
Hands and other Body Parts Emojis
👋 Waving hand U+1F44B
🤚 Raised back of hand U+1F91A
🖐 Hands with splayed finger U+1F590
Raised hand U+270B
🖖 Vulcan salute U+1F596
👌 Ok U+1F44C
🤌 Pinched fingers U+1F90C
🤏 Pinched hand U+1F90F
Victory hand U+270C
🤞 Crossed fingers U+1F91E
🤟 Love you U+1F91F
🤘 Horn sign U+1F918
🤙 Call me hand U+1F919
👈 Index finger pointing left U+1F448
👉 Index finger pointing right U+1F449
👆 Index finger pointing up U+1F446
👇 Index finger pointing down U+1F447
🖕 Middle finger U+1F595
Forehand Index finger pointing up U+261D
🫵 Index finger pointing at viewer U+1FAF5
👍 Thumbs up U+1F44D
👎 Thumbs down U+1F44E
Raised fist U+270A
👊 Fist U+1F44A
🤛 Left facing fist U+1F91B
🤜 Right facing fist U+1F91C
👏 Clapping hands U+1F44F
🙌 Raised hands U+1F64C
👐 OPen hands U+1F450
🤲 Palms together hands U+1F932
🤝 Handshake U+1F91D
🙏 Praying hands U+1F64F
Writing hands U+270D
💅 Nail polish U+1F485
🤳 Selfie hand U+1F933
💪 Flexed biceps U+1F4AA
🦾 MEchanical arm U+1F9BE
🦵 Leg U+1F9B5
🦿 Mechanical leg U+1F9BF
🦶 Foot U+1F9B6
👂 Ear U+1F442
🦻 Ear with earing aid U+1F9BB
👃 Nose U+1F443
🧠 Brain U+1F9E0
👣 Footprint U+1F463
🫀 MEchanical heart U+1FAC0
🫁 Lungs U+1FAC1
🦷 Tooth U+1F9B7
🦴 Bone U+1F9B7
👀 Eyes U+1F440
👁 Eye U+1F441
👅 Nose U+1F445
👄 Mouth U+1F444
Person Emojis
🧑 Person U+1F9D1
👶 Baby U+1F476
🧒 Child U+1F9D2
👦 Boy U+1F466
👧 Girl U+1F467
👱 Person with blonde hair U+1F471
👨 Man U+1F468
🧔 Bearded person U+1F9D4
🧔‍♂‍ Bearded man U+1F9D4
🧔‍♀‍ Bearded woman U+1F9D4
👨‍🦰 MAn with red hair U+1F468
👨‍🦱 Man with curly hair U+1F9B1
👨‍🦳 Man with white hair U+200D
👨‍🦲 Bald man U+1F468
👩 Woman U+1F469
👩‍🦰 Woman with red hair U+1F469
👩‍🦱 Woman with curly hair U+1F469
👩‍🦳 Woman with white hair U+1F469
👩‍🦲 Bald woman U+1F469
👱‍♀‍ Woman with blode hair U+1F471
👱‍♂‍ Man with blonde hair U+1F471
🧓 Old person U+1F9D3
👴 Old man U+1F474
👵 Old woman U+1F475
🙍 Person frowning U+1F64D
🙍‍♂‍ Man frowning U+1F64D
🙍‍♀‍ Woman frowning U+1F64D
🙎 Person pouting U+1F64E
🙎‍♂‍ Man pouting U+1F64E
🙎‍♀‍ Woman pouting U+1F64E
🙅 Person gesturing no U+1F645
🙅‍♂‍ Man gesturing no U+1F645
🙅‍♀‍ Woman gesturing no U+1F645
🙆 Person stretching U+1F646
🙆‍♂‍ Man stretching U+1F646
🙆‍♀‍ Woman stretching U+1F646
💁 Person tipping hand U+1F481
💁‍♂‍ Man tipping hand U+1F481
💁‍♀‍ Woman tipping hand U+1F481
🙋 Person rainsing hand U+1F64B
🙋‍♂‍ Man raising hand U+1F64B
🙋‍♀‍ Woman raisning hand U+1F64B
🧏 Deaf person U+1F64B
🧏‍♂‍ Deaf man U+1F9CF
🧏‍♀‍ Deaf woman U+2640
🙇 Person bowing U+1F647
🙇‍♂‍ Man bowing U+1F647
🙇‍♀‍ Woman bowing U+200D
🤦 Person facepalming U+1F926
🤦‍♂‍ Man facepalming U+1F926
🤦‍♀‍ Woman facepalming U+1F926
🤷 Person shrugging U+1F937
🤷‍♂‍ Man shrugging U+1F937
🤷‍♀‍ Woman shrugging U+FE0F
🧑‍⚕‍ Health worker U+1F9D1
👨‍⚕‍ Man health worker U+2695
👩‍⚕‍ Woman health worker U+1F469
🧑‍🎓 Student U+1F9D1
👨‍🎓 Man student U+1F468
🧑‍🏫 Teacher U+1F9D1
👨‍🏫 Man teacher U+1F468
👩‍🏫 Woman teacher U+1F3EB
🧑‍⚖‍ Judge U+1F9D1
👨‍⚖‍ Man judge U+1F468
👩‍⚖‍ Woman judge U+1F469
🧑‍🌾 Farmer U+200D
👨‍🌾 Man farmer U+1F468
👩‍🌾 Woman farmer U+1F469
🧑‍🍳 Cook U+1F9D1
👨‍🍳 Man cook U+200D
👩‍🍳 Woman cook U+1F469
🧑‍🔧 Mechanic U+1F9D1
👨‍🔧 Man mechanic U+1F527
👩‍🔧 Woman mechanic U+1F469
🧑‍🏭 Factory worker U+1F9D1
👨‍🏭 Man factory worker U+1F468
👩‍🏭 Woman factory worker U+1F469
🧑‍💼 Office worker U+1F9D1
👨‍💼 Man office worker U+1F4BC
👩‍💼 Woma office worker U+1F469
🧑‍🔬 Scientist U+1F9D1
👨‍🔬 Man scientist U+1F468
👩‍🔬 Woman scientis U+1F52C
🧑‍💻 Technologist U+1F9D1
👨‍💻 Man texhnologist U+1F468
👩‍💻 Woman technologist U+1F469
🧑‍🎤 Singer U+1F3A4
👨‍🎤 Man singer U+1F468
👩‍🎤 Woman singer U+1F469
🧑‍🎨 Artist U+1F9D1
👨‍🎨 Man artist U+1F468
👩‍🎨 Woman artist U+1F469
🧑‍✈‍ Pilot U+1F9D1
👨‍✈‍ Man pilot U+1F468
👩‍✈‍ Woman pilot U+1F469
🧑‍🚀 Astronaut U+1F9D1
👨‍🚀 Man astronaut U+1F468
👩‍🚀 Woman astronaut U+1F469
🧑‍🚒 Firefighter U+1F9D1
👨‍🚒 Man firefighter U+200D
👩‍🚒 Woman firefighter U+1F692
👮 Police U+1F46E
👮‍♂‍ Policeman U+1F46E
👮‍♀‍ Policewoman U+1F46E
🕵 Detective U+1F575
🕵️‍♂‍ Man detective U+1F575
🕵️‍♀‍ Woman detective U+1F575
💂 Guard U+1F482
💂‍♂‍ Man guard U+2642
💂‍♀‍ Woman guard U+2640
🥷 Ninja U+1F97
👷 Construction worker U+1F477
👷‍♂‍ Man construction worker U+200D
👷‍♀‍ Woman construction worker U+2640
🤴 Prince U+1F934
👸 Princess U+1F478
👳 Person wearing turban U+1F473
👳‍♂‍ Man wearing turban U+200D
👳‍♀‍ Woman wearing turban U+2640
👲 Person with skullcap U+1F472
🧕 Woman with headscaff U+1F9D5
🤵 Person in tuxedo U+1F935
🤵‍♂‍ Man in tuxedo U+1F935
🤵‍♀‍ Woman in tuxedo U+1F935
👰 Person in veil U+1F470
👰‍♂‍ Man in veil U+1F470
👰‍♀‍ Woman in veil U+200D
🤰 Pregnant woman U+1F930
🤱 Breast-feeding U+1F931
🧑‍🍼 Person feeding baby U+1F37C
👩‍🍼 WOman feeding baby U+1F469
👨‍🍼 Man feeding baby U+200D
👼 Baby angel U+1F47C
🎅 Santa claus U+1F385
🤶 Mrs Claus U+1F936
🧑‍🎄 Mx Claus U+1F9D1
🦸 Superhero U+1F9B8
🦸‍♂‍ Man superhero U+200D
🦸‍♀‍ Woman superhero U+FE0F
🦹 Supervillain U+1F9B9
🦹‍♂‍ Man superhero U+2642
🦹‍♀‍ Woman superhero U+200D
🧙 Mage U+1F9D9
🧙‍♂‍ Man mage U+1F9D9
🧙‍♀‍ Woman mage U+2640
🧚 Fairy U+1F9DA
🧚‍♂‍ Man fairy U+2642
🧚‍♀‍ Woman fairy U+200D
🧛 Vampire U+1F9DB
🧛‍♂‍ Man vampire U+2642
🧛‍♀‍ Woman vampire U+FE0F
🧜 Merperson U+1F9DC
🧜‍♂‍ Merman U+200D
🧜‍♀‍ Mermaid U+1F9DC
🧝 Elf U+1F9DD
🧝‍♂‍ Man elf U+2642
🧝‍♀‍ Woman elf U+200D
🧞 Genie U+1F9DE
🧞‍♂‍ Man genie U+200D
🧞‍♀‍ Woman genie U+2640
🧟 Zombie U+1F9DF
🧟‍♂‍ Man zombie U+2642
🧟‍♀‍ Woman zombie U+FE0F
💆 Person getting massage U+1F486
💆‍♂‍ Man getting massage U+200D
💆‍♀‍ Woman getting massage U+2640
💇 Person getting haircut U+1F487
💇‍♂‍ Man getting haircut U+200D
💇‍♀‍ Woman getting haircut U+2640
🚶 Person walking U+1F6B6
🚶‍♂‍ Man walking U+200D
🚶‍♀‍ Woman walking U+FE0F
🧍 Person standing U+1F9CD
🧍‍♂‍ Man standing U+200D
🧍‍♀‍ Woman standing U+FE0F
🧎 Person kneeling U+1F9CE
🧎‍♂‍ Man kneeling U+200D
🧎‍♀‍ Woman kneeling U+FE0F
🧑‍🦯 PErson with walking stick U+200D
👨‍🦯 Man with walking stick U+1F468
👩‍🦯 Woman with walking stick U+1F9AF
🧑‍🦼 Person in motorized wheelchair U+1F9D1
👨‍🦼 Man in motorized wheelchair U+200D
👩‍🦼 Womain in motorized wheelchair U+1F9BC
🧑‍🦽 Person in manual wheelchair U+1F9D1
👨‍🦽 Man in manual wheelchair U+200D
👩‍🦽 Womaan in motorized wheelchair U+1F9BD
🏃 Person sprinting U+1F3C3
🏃‍♂‍ Man sprinting U+2642
🏃‍♀‍ Woman sprinting U+2640
💃 Woman dancing U+1F483
🕺 Man dancing U+1F57A
🕴 Person in suit levitating U+1F574
👯 People with bunny ears U+1F46F
👯‍♂‍ Men with bunny ears U+200D
👯‍♀‍ Women in bunny ears U+2640
🧖 Person in steaming room U+1F9D6
🧖‍♂‍ Man in steaming room U+200D
🧖‍♀‍ Woman in steaming room U+200D
🧗 Person climbing U+1F9D7
🧗‍♂‍ Man climbing U+200D
🧗‍♀‍ Woman climbing U+2640
🤺 Person fencing U+1F93A
🏇 Horse racing U+1F3C7
Skier U+26F7
🏂 Snowball U+1F3C2
🏌 Person playing golf U+1F3CC
🏌️‍♂‍ Man playing golf U+FE0F
🏌️‍♀‍ Woman playing golf U+200D
🏄 Person surfing U+1F3C4
🏄‍♂‍ Man surfing U+2642
🏄‍♀‍ Woman surfing U+2640
🚣 Person rowing boat U+1F6A3
🚣‍♂‍ Man rowing boat U+2642
🚣‍♀‍ Woman rowing boat U+FE0F
🏊 Person swimming U+1F3CA
🏊‍♂‍ Man swimming U+2642
🏊‍♀‍ Woman swimming U+FE0F
Person bouncing ball U+26F9
⛹️‍♂‍ Man bouncing ball U+FE0F
⛹️‍♀‍ Woman bouncing ball U+2640
🏋 Person lifting weight U+1F3CB
🏋️‍♂‍ Man lifting weight U+FE0F
🏋️‍♀‍ Woman lifting weight U+2640
🚴 Person cycling U+1F6B4
🚴‍♂‍ Man cycling U+2642
🚴‍♀‍ Woman cycling U+FE0F
🚵 Person mountain biking U+1F6B5
🚵‍♂‍ Man mountain biking U+2642
🚵‍♀‍ Woman mountain biking U+2640
🤸 Person catwheeling U+1F938
🤸‍♂‍ Man catwheeling U+200D
🤸‍♀‍ Woman catwheeling U+FE0F
🤼 People wrestling U+1F93C
🤼‍♂‍ Men wrestling U+200D
🤼‍♀‍ Women wrestling U+2640
🤽 Person playing water polo U+1F93D
🤽‍♂‍ Man playing water polo U+FE0F
🤽‍♀‍ Woman playing water polo U+200D
🤾 Person playing handball U+1F93E
🤾‍♂‍ Man playing handball U+200D
🤾‍♀‍ Woman playing handball U+FE0F
🤹 Person juggling U+1F939
🤹‍♂‍ Man juggling U+200D
🤹‍♀‍ Woman juggling U+FE0F
🧘 Person lotus position U+1F9D8
🧘‍♂‍ Man in lotus position U+200D
🧘‍♀‍ Woman in lotus position U+2640
🛀 Person bathing U+1F6C0
🛌 Person in bed U+1F6CC
👪 Family U+1F46A
👨‍👩‍👦 Family: man, woman, and boy U+200D
👨‍👩‍👧 Family: man, woman, and girl U+1F469
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family: man, woman, boy, and girl U+200D
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Family: man, woman, and two boys U+1F466
👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Family: man, woman, and two girls U+200D
👨‍👨‍👦 Family: two men and boy U+1F466
👨‍👨‍👧 Family: two men and girl U+200D
👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Family: two men, girl, and boy U+1F466
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Family: two men and two boys U+200D
👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 Family: two men and two girls U+1F467
👩‍👩‍👦 Family: two women and boy U+1F466
👩‍👩‍👧 Family: two women and girl U+1F467
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family: two women, girl, and boy U+1F466
👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 Family: two women and two boys U+1F466
👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 Family: two women and two girls U+1F467
👨‍👦 Family: man and boy U+1F466
👨‍👦‍👦 Family: man and two boys U+1F466
👨‍👧 Family: man and girl U+1F467
👨‍👧‍👦 Family: man, girl and boy U+1F466
👨‍👧‍👧 Family: man and two girls U+1F467
👩‍👦 Family: woman and boy U+1F466
👩‍👦‍👦 Family: woman and two boys U+1F466
👩‍👧 Family: woman and girl U+1F467
👩‍👧‍👦 Family: woman, girl, and boy U+1F466
👩‍👧‍👧 Family: woman and two girls U+1F467
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 People holding hands U+1F9D1
👭 Women holding hands U+1F46D
👫 Woman and man holding hands U+1F46B
👬 Men holding hands U+1F46C
💏 Kiss U+1F48F
👩‍❤‍💋‍👨 Woman and man kissing U+200D
👨‍❤‍💋‍👨 Man and man kissing U+200D
👩‍❤‍💋‍👩 Womand and woman kissing U+1F48B
💑 Couple with heart U+1F491
🗣 Person speaking U+1F5E3
👤 Bust in silhouhette U+1F464
👥 Busts in silhouette U+1F465
🫂 People hugging U+1FAC2
Animals and Nature Emojis
🐵 Monkey face U+1F435
🐒 Monkey U+1F412
🦍 Gorilla U+1F98D
🦧 Orangutan U+1F9A7
🐶 Dog face U+1F436
🐕 Dog U+1F415
🦮 Guide dog U+1F9AE
🐕‍🦺 Service dog U+1F415
🐩 Poodle U+1F429
🐺 Wolf U+1F43A
🦊 Fox U+1F98A
🦝 Racoon U+1F99D
🐱 Cat face U+1F431
🐈 Cat U+1F408
🐈‍⬛ Black cat U+200D
🦁 Lion U+1F981
🐯 Tiger face U+1F42F
🐅 Tiger U+1F405
🐆 Leopard U+1F406
🐴 Horse face U+1F434
🐎 Horse U+1F40E
🦄 Unicorn U+1F984
🦓 Zebra U+1F993
🦌 Deer U+1F98C
🦬 Bison U+1F9AC
🐮 Cow face U+1F42E
🐄 Cow U+1F404
🐂 Ox U+1F402
🐃 Water buffalo U+1F437
🐷 Pig face U+1F437
🐖 Pig U+1F416
🐗 Boar U+1F417
🐽 Pig nose U+1F43D
🐏 Ram U+1F40F
🐑 Ewe U+1F411
🐐 Goat U+1F410
🐪 Camel U+1F42A
🐫 Two hump camel U+1F42B
🦙 Ilama U+1F999
🦒 Giraffe U+1F992
🐘 Elephant U+1F418
🦣 Mammoth U+1F9A3
🦏 Rhiniceros U+1F98F
🦛 Hippopotamus U+1F99B
🐭 Mouse face U+1F42D
🐁 Mouse U+1F401
🐀 Rat U+1F400
🐹 Hamster U+1F439
🐰 Rabbit face U+1F430
🐇 Rabbit U+1F407
🐿 Chipmunk U+1F43F
🦫 Beaver U+1F9AB
🦔 Hedgehog U+1F994
🦇 Bat U+1F987
🐻 Bear U+1F43B
🐻‍❄️ Polar bear U+200D
🐨 Koala U+1F428
🐼 Panda U+1F43C
🦥 Sloth U+1F9A5
🦦 Otter U+1F9A6
🦨 Skunk U+1F9A8
🦘 Kangaroo U+1F998
🦡 Badger U+1F9A1
🐾 Paw prints U+1F43E
🦃 Turkey U+1F983
🐔 Chicken U+1F414
🐓 Rooster U+1F413
🐣 Hatching U+1F423
🐤 Baby chick U+1F424
🐥 Front-facing chick U+1F425
🐦 Bird U+1F426
🐧 Penguin U+1F427
🕊 Dove U+1F54A
🦅 Eagle U+1F985
🦆 Duck U+1F986
🦢 Swan U+1F9A2
🦉 Owl U+1F989
🦤 Dodo U+1F9A4
🪶 Feather U+1FAB6
🦩 Flamingo U+1F9A9
🦜 Peacock U+1F99C
🐸 Frog U+1F438
🐊 Crocodile U+1F40A
🐢 Turtle U+1F422
🦎 Lizard U+1F98E
🐍 Snake U+1F40D
🐲 Dragon face U+1F432
🐉 Dragon U+1F409
🦕 Sauropod U+1F995
🦖 Tyranosaurus U+1F996
🐳 Spouting whale U+1F433
🐋 Whale U+1F40B
🐬 Dolphin U+1F42C
🦭 Seal U+1F9AD
🐟 Fish U+1F41F
🐠 Tropical fish U+1F420
🐡 Blowfish U+1F421
🦈 Shark U+1F988
🐙 Octopus U+1F419
🐚 Spiral shell U+1F41A
🐌 Snail U+1F40C
🦋 Butterfly U+1F98B
🐛 Bug U+1F41B
🐜 Ant U+1F41C
🐝 Honeybee U+1F41D
🪲 Beetle U+1FAB2
🐞 Lady Beetle U+1F41E
🦗 Cricket U+1F997
🪳 Cockroach U+1FAB3
🕷 Spider U+1F577
🕸 Spider web U+1F578
🦂 Scorpion U+1F982
🦟 Mosquito U+1F99F
🪰 Fly U+1FAB0
🪱 Worm U+1FAB1
🦠 Microbe U+1F9A0
💐 Bouquet U+1F490
🌸 Cherry blossom U+1F338
💮 White flower U+1F4AE
🏵 Rosette U+1F3F5
🌹 Rose U+1F339
🥀 Wilted flower U+1F940
🌺 Hibiscus U+1F33A
🌻 Sunflower U+1F33B
🌼 Blossom U+1F33C
🌷 Tulip U+1F337
🌱 Seedling U+1F331
🪴 Potted plant U+1FAB4
🌲 Evergreen tree U+1F332
🌳 Deciduous plant U+1F333
🌴 Palm tree U+1F334
🌵 Cactus U+1F335
🌾 Sheaf of rice U+1F33E
🌿 Herb U+1F33F
Shamrock U+2618
🍀 Four leaf clover U+1F340
🍁 Maple leaf U+1F341
🍂 Fallen leaf U+1F342
🍃 Leaf fluttering in wind U+1F343
🪴 Empty nest U+1FAB9
🪴 Nest with eggs U+1FABA
Food and Drinks Emojis
🍇 Grapes U+1F347
🍈 Melon U+1F348
🍉 Water melon U+1F349
🍊 Tangerine U+1F34A
🍋 Lime U+1F34B
🍌 Banana U+1F34C
🍍 Pineapple U+1F34D
🥭 Mango U+1F96D
🍎 Red apple U+1F34E
🍏 Green apple U+1F34F
🍐 Pear U+1F350
🍑 Peach U+1F351
🍒 Cherries U+1F352
🍓 Strawberries U+1F353
🫐 Blueberries U+1FAD0
🥝 Kiwi fruit U+1F95D
🍅 Tomato U+1F345
🫒 Olive U+1FAD2
🥥 Coconut U+1F965
🥑 Avocado U+1F951
🍆 Eggplant U+1F346
🥔 Potato U+1F954
🥕 Carrot U+1F955
🌽 Corn U+1F33D
🌶 Pepper U+1F336
🫑 Bell pepper U+1FAD1
🥒 Cucumber U+1F952
🥬 Leafy green U+1F96C
🥦 Broccoli U+1F966
🧄 Garlic U+1F9C4
🧅 Onion U+1F9C5
🍄 Mushroom U+1F344
🥜 Peanuts U+1F95C
🫑 Beans U+1FAD8
🌰 Chestnut U+1F330
🍞 Bread U+1F35E
🥐 Croissant U+1F950
🥖 Baguette bread U+1F956
🫓 Flat bread U+1FAD3
🥨 Pretzel U+1F968
🥯 Bagel U+1F96F
🥞 Pancake U+1F95E
🧇 Waffle U+1F9C7
🧀 Cheese wedge U+1F9C0
🍖 Meat with bone U+1F356
🍗 Poultry leg U+1F357
🥩 Cut of meat U+1F969
🥓 Bacon U+1F953
🍔 Hamburger U+1F354
🍟 French fries U+1F35F
🍕 Pizza U+1F355
🌭 Hot dog U+1F32D
🥪 Sandwich U+1F96A
🌮 Taco U+1F32E
🌯 Burrito U+1F32F
🫔 Tamale U+1FAD4
🥙 Stuffed flatbread U+1F959
🧆 Falafel U+1F9C6
🥚 Egg U+1F95A
🍳 Cooking U+1F373
🥘 Shallow pan of food U+1F958
🍲 Pot of food U+1F372
🫕 Fondue U+1FAD5
🥣 Bowl with food U+1F963
🥗 Green salad U+1F957
🍿 Popcorn U+1F37F
🧈 Butter U+1F9C8
🧂 Salt U+1F9C2
🥫 Canned food U+1F96B
🍱 Bento box U+1F371
🍘 RIce cracker U+1F358
🍙 Rice ball U+1F359
🍚 Cooked rice U+1F35A
🍛 Curry rice U+1F35B
🍜 Steaming bowl U+1F35C
🍝 Spaghetti U+1F35D
🍠 Roasted sweet potato U+1F360
🍢 Oden U+1F362
🍣 Sushi U+1F363
🍤 Fried shrimp U+1F364
🍥 Fish cake with swiri U+1F365
🥮 Moon cake U+1F96E
🍡 Dango U+1F361
🥟 Dumpling U+1F95F
🥠 Fortune cookie U+1F960
🥡 Take out box U+1F961
🦀 Crab U+1F980
🦞 Lobster U+1F99E
🦐 Shrimp U+1F990
🦑 Squid U+1F991
🦪 Oyster U+1F9AA
🍨 Ice cream U+1F368
🍧 Shaved ice cream U+1F367
🍦 Soft ice cream U+1F366
🍩 Doughnut U+1F369
🍪 Cookie U+1F36A
🎂 Birthday cake U+1F382
🍰 Short cake U+1F370
🧁 Cup cake U+1F9C1
🥧 Pie U+1F967
🍫 Chocoloate U+1F36B
🍬 Candy U+1F36C
🍭 Lollipop U+1F36D
🍮 Custard U+1F36E
🍯 Honey pot U+1F36F
🍼 Baby bottle U+1F37C
🥛 Glass of milk U+1F95B
Hot beverage U+2615
🫖 Teapot U+1FAD6
🍵 Teacup without handle U+1F375
🍶 Sake U+1F376
🍾 Bottle with poppin cork U+1F37E
🍷 Wine glass U+1F377
🍸 Cocktail glass U+1F378
🍹 Tropical drink U+1F379
🍺 Beer mug U+1F37A
🍻 Clinking beer mug U+1F37B
🥂 Clinking glasses U+1F942
🥃 Tumbler glass U+1F943
🥤 Cup with strawberry U+1F964
🧋 Bubble tea U+1F9CB
🧃 Beverage box U+1F9C3
🧉 Mate U+1F9C9
🧊 Ice U+1F9CA
🥢 Chopsticks U+1F962
🍽 Fork and knife with plate U+1F37D
🍴 Fork and knife U+1F374
🥄 Spoon U+1F944
🔪 Kitchen knife U+1F52A
🧋 Jar U+1FAD9
🏺 Amphora U+1F3FA
Travel and Places Emojis
🌍 Globe showing Africa and Europe U+1F30D
🌎 Globe showing Americas U+1F30E
🌏 Globe showing Asia and Australia U+1F30F
🌐 Globe with meridians U+1F310
🗺 World map U+1F5FA
🧭 Compass U+1F9ED
Mountain U+26F0
🏔 Snowcap mountain U+26F0
🌋 Volcanic mountain U+1F30B
🗻 Fuji mountain U+1F5FB
🏕 Camping U+1F3D5
🏖 Beach with umbrella U+1F3D6
🏜 Desert U+1F3DC
🏝 Desertified island U+1F3DD
🏞 National park U+1F3DE
🏟 Stadium U+1F3DF
🏛 Classical building U+1F3DB
🏗 Building construction U+1F3D7
🧱 Brick U+1F9F1
🪨 Rock U+1FAA8
🪵 Wood U+1FAB5
🛖 Hut U+1F6D6
🏘 Houses U+1F3D8
🏚 Derelict house U+1F3DA
🏠 House U+1F3E0
🏡 House with garden U+1F3E1
🏢 Office building U+1F3E2
🏣 Japanese office U+1F3E3
🏤 Post office U+1F3E4
🏥 Hospital U+1F3E5
🏦 Bank U+1F3E6
🏨 Hotel U+1F3E8
🏩 Love hotel U+1F3E9
🏪 Convenience store U+1F3EA
🏫 School U+1F3EB
🏬 Department U+1F3EC
🏭 Factory U+1F3ED
🏯 Japanese castle U+1F3EF
🏰 Castle U+1F3F0
💒 Wedding house U+1F492
🗼 Tokyo tower U+1F5FC
🗽 Statue of liberty U+1F5FD
Church U+26EA
🕌 Mosque U+1F54C
🛕 Hindu temple U+1F6D5
🕍 Synagogue U+1F54D
Shinto shrine U+26E9
🕋 Kaaba U+1F54B
Fountain U+26F2
Tent U+26FA
🌁 Foggy U+1F301
🌃 Night with starrs U+1F303
🏙 Citscape U+1F3D9
🌅 Sunrise U+1F305
🌄 Sunrise over mountains U+1F304
🌆 Cityscape at dusk U+1F306
🌇 Sunset U+1F307
🌉 Bridge at night U+1F309
Hot springs U+2668
🎠 Carousel horse U+1F3A0
🎡 Ferris wheel U+1F3A1
🎢 Roller coaster U+1F3A2
💈 Barber poll U+1F488
🎪 Circus tent U+1F3AA
Transport Emojis
🚂 Locomotive U+1F682
🚃 Railway car U+1F683
🚄 High speed train U+1F684
🚅 Bullet train U+1F685
🚆 Train U+1F686
🚇 Metro U+1F687
🚈 Light rail U+1F688
🚉 Station U+1F689
🚊 Tram U+1F68A
🚝 Monorail U+1F69D
🚞 Mountain railway U+1F69E
🚋 Tram car U+1F68B
🚌 us U+1F68C
🚍 Oncoming bus U+1F68D
🚎 Trolley bus U+1F68E
🚐 Minibus U+1F690
🚑 Ambulance U+1F691
🚒 Fire engine U+1F692
🚓 Police car U+1F693
🚔 Oncoming police car U+1F694
🚕 Taxi U+1F695
🚖 Oncoming taxi U+1F696
🚗 Automobile U+1F697
🚘 Oncoming automobile U+1F698
🚙 Sport utility vehicle U+1F699
🛻 Pickup truck U+1F6FB
🚚 Delivery truck U+1F69A
🚛 Articulated lorry U+1F69B
🚜 Tractor U+1F69C
🏎 Racing car U+1F3CE
🏍 Motorcycle U+1F3CD
🛵 Scooter U+1F6F5
🦽 Manual wheelchair U+1F9BD
🦼 Motorized wheelchair U+1F9BC
Time Emojis
Hourglass done U+231B
Hourglass starting U+23F3
Watch U+231A
Alarm U+23F0
Stopwatch U+23F1
Timer clock U+23F2
🕰 Mantelpiece clock U+1F570
🕛 Twelve O'clock U+1F55B
🕧 Twelve-thirty U+1F567
🕐 One O'clock U+1F550
🕜 One-thirty U+1F55C
🕑 Two O'clock U+1F551
🕝 Two-thirty U+1F55D
🕒 Three O'clock U+1F552
🕞 Three-thirty U+1F55E
🕓 Four O'clock U+1F553
🕟 Four-thirty U+1F55F
🕔 Five O'clock U+1F554
🕠 Five-thirty U+1F560
🕕 Six O'clock U+1F555
🕡 Six-thirty U+1F561
🕖 Seven O'clock U+1F556
🕢 Seven-thirty U+1F562
🕗 Eight O'clock U+1F557
🕣 Eight-thirty U+1F563
🕘 Nine O'clock U+1F558
🕤 Nine-thirty U+1F564
🕙 Ten O'clock U+1F559
🕥 Ten-thirty U+1F565
🕚 Eleven O'clock U+1F55A
🕦 Eleven-thirty U+1F566
Sky and Weather Emojis
🌑 New moon U+1F311
🌒 Waxing crescent moon U+1F312
🌓 First quarter moon U+1F313
🌔 Waxing gibbous moon U+1F314
🌕 Full moon U+1F315
🌖 Waning gibbous moon U+1F316
🌗 Last quarter moon U+1F317
🌘 Waning crescent moon U+1F318
🌙 Crescent moon U+1F319
🌚 New moon face U+1F31A
🌛 First quarter moon face U+1F31B
🌜 Last quartermoon face U+1F31C
🌡 Thermometer U+1F321
Sun U+2600
🌝 Full moon face U+1F31D
🌞 Sun with face U+1F31E
🪐 Ringed planet U+1FA90
Star U+2B50
🌟 Glowing star U+1F31F
🌠 Shooting star U+1F320
🌌 Milky way U+1F30C
Cloud U+2601
Sun behind cloud U+26C5
Cloud with lighting and rain U+26C8
🌤 Sun behind small cloud U+1F324
🌥 Sun behind large cloud U+1F325
🌦 Sun behind rain cloud U+1F326
🌧 Cloud with rain U+1F327
🌨 Cloud with snow U+1F328
🌩 Cloud with lighting U+1005
🌪 Tornado U+1F32A
🌫 Fog U+1F32B
🌬 Wind face U+1F32C
🌀 Cyclone U+1F300
🌈 Rainbow U+1F308
🌂 Closed umbrella U+1F302
Umbrella U+2602
Umbrella with raindrops U+2614
Umbrella on ground U+26F1
High voltage U+26A1
Snowflake U+2744
Snowman U+2603
Snowman without snow U+26C4
Comet U+2604
🔥 Fire U+1F525
💧 Droplet U+1F4A7
🌊 Water wave U+1F30A
Activity Emojis
🎃 Jack-o-lantern U+1F383
🎄 Christmas tree U+1F384
🎆 Fireworks U+1F386
🎇 Sparkler U+1F387
🧨 Firecracker U+1F9E8
Sparkles U+2728
🎈 Baloon U+1F388
🎉 Party popper U+1F389
🎊 Confetti ball U+1F38A
🎋 Tanabata tree U+1F38B
🎍 Pine decoration U+1F38D
🎎 Japanese dolls U+1F38E
🎏 Carp streamer U+1F38F
🎑 Moon viewing ceremony U+1F391
🧧 Red envelope U+1F9E7
🎀 Ribbon U+1F380
🎁 Wrapped gift U+1F381
🎗 Reminder ribbon U+1F397
🎟 Admission ticket U+1F39F
🎫 Ticket U+1F3AB
Award Medals Emojis
🎖 Military medal U+1F396
🏆 Trophy U+1F3C6
🏅 Sports medal U+1F3C5
🥇 Gold medal - first position U+1F947
🥈 Silver medal - second position U+1F948
🥉 Bronze medal - third position U+1F949
Sport Emojis
Soccer ball U+26BD
Baseball U+26BE
🥎 Softball U+1F94E
🏀 BAsketball U+1F3C0
🏐 Volleyball U+1F3D0
🏈 American football U+1F3C8
🏉 Rugby U+1F3C9
🎾 Tennis U+1F3BE
🥏 Flying disk U+1F94F
🎳 Bowling U+1F3B3
🏏 Cricket U+1F3CF
🏑 Field hockey U+1F3D1
🏒 Ice hockey U+1F3D2
🥍 Lacrose U+1F94D
🏓 Ping pong U+1F3D3
🏸 Badminton U+1F3F8
🥊 Boxing glove U+1F94A
🥋 MArtial arts uniform U+1F94B
🥅 Goal net U+1F945
Flag in a hole U+26F3
Ice skate U+26F8
🎣 Fishing poll U+1F3A3
🤿 Driving mask U+1F93F
🎽 Running shirt U+1F3BD
🎿 Skis U+1F3BF
🛷 Sled U+1F6F7
🥌 Curling stone U+1F94C
Games Emojis
🎯 Bullseye U+1F3AF
🪀 Yo-yo U+1FA80
🪁 Kite U+1FA81
🎱 8 ball U+1F3B1
🔮 Crystal ball U+1F52E
🪄 Magic wand U+1FA84
🧿 Nazar amulet U+1F9FF
🪄 Hamsa U+1FAAC
🎮 Video game pad U+1F3AE
🕹 Joystick U+1F579
🎰 Slot machine U+1F3B0
🎲 Game die U+1F3B2
🧩 Puxxle piece U+1F9E9
🧸 Teddy bear U+1F9F8
🪅 Pinata U+1FA85
🪆 Mirror U+1FAA9
🪆 Nesting doll U+1FA86
Spade suit U+2660
Heart suit U+2665
Club suit U+2663
Chess pawn U+265F
🃏 Joker U+1F0CF
🀄 Mahjong red dragon U+1F004
🎴 Flower playing cards U+1F3B4
Arts and Crafts Emojis
🎭 Performing arts U+1F3AD
🖼 Framed picture U+1F5BC
🎨 Artist pallete U+1F3A8
🧵 Thread U+1F9F5
🪡 Sewing needle with thred U+1FAA1
🧶 Yarn U+1F9F6
🪢 Knot U+1FAA2
Clothing Objects Emojis
👓 Glasses U+1F453
🕶 Sunglasses U+1F576
🥽 Googles U+1F97D
🥼 Lab coat U+1F97C
🦺 Safety vest U+1F9BA
👔 Necktie U+1F454
👕 T-shirt U+1F455
👖 Jeans U+1F456
🧣 Scarf U+1F9E3
🧤 Gloves U+1F9E4
🧥 Coat U+1F9E5
🧦 Socks U+1F9E6
👗 Dress U+1F457
👘 Kimono U+1F458
🥻 Sari U+1F97B
🩱 One piece suit U+1FA71
🩲 Briefs U+1FA72
🩳 Shorts U+1FA73
👙 Bikini U+1F459
👚 Woman's cloth U+1F45A
👛 Purse U+1F45B
👜 Handbag U+1F45C
👝 Clutch bag U+1F45D
🛍 Shopping bags U+1F6CD
🎒 Backpack U+1F392
🩴 Thong sandals U+1FA74
👞 Man's shoe U+1F45E
👟 Running shoe U+1F45F
🥾 Hiking boot U+1F97E
🥿 Flat shoe U+1F97F
👠 High-heeled shoe U+1F460
👡 Woman's sandal U+1F461
🩰 Ballet shoes U+1FA70
👢 Woman's boot U+1F462
👑 Crown U+1F451
👒 Woman's hat U+1F452
🎩 Top hat U+1F3A9
🎓 Graduation cap U+1F393
🧢 Billed cap U+1F9E2
🪖 Military helmet U+1FA96
Rescuew worker's helmet U+26D1
📿 PRayer beads U+1F4FF
💄 Lipstick U+1F484
💍 Ring U+1F48D
💎 Gemstone U+1F48E
Sound Emojis
🔇 Muted speaker U+1F507
🔈 Low volume speaker U+1F508
🔉 Mid volume speaker U+1F509
🔊 High volume speaker U+1F50A
📢 Loudspeaker U+1F4E2
📣 Megaphone U+1F4E3
📯 Postal horn U+1F4EF
🔔 Bell U+1F514
🔕 Bell with slash U+1F515
🎼 Musical score U+1F3BC
🎵 Musical note U+1F3B5
🎶 Musical notes U+1F3B6
🎙 Studio microphone U+1F399
🎚 Level slider U+1F39A
🎛 Control knobs U+1F39B
🎤 Microphone U+1F3A4
🎧 Headphone U+1F3A7
📻 Radio U+1F4FB
Musical Instrument Emojis
🎷 Saxophone U+1F3B7
🪗 Accordion U+1FA97
🎸 Guitar U+1F3B8
🎹 Musical keyboard U+1F3B9
🎺 Trumpet U+1F3BA
🎻 Violin U+1F3BB
🪕 Banjo U+1FA95
🥁 Drum U+1F941
🪘 Long drum U+1FA98
Phone Emojis
📱 Mobile phone U+1F4F1
📲 MObile phone with arrow U+1F4F2
Telephone U+260E
📞 Telephone receiver U+1F4DE
📟 Pager U+1F4DF
📠 Fax machine U+1F4E0
Computer Emojis
🔋 Full battery U+1F50B
🪫 Low battery U+1FAAB
🔌 Electric plug U+1F50C
💻 Laptop U+1F4BB
🖥 Desktop computer U+1F5A5
🖨 Printer U+1F5A8
Keyboard U+2328
🖱 Mouse U+1F5B1
🖲 Trackball U+1F5B2
💽 Computer disk U+1F4BD
💾 Floppy disk U+1F4BE
💿 Optical disk U+1F4BF
📀 DVD U+1F4C0
🧮 Abacus U+1F9EE
Light and Video Emojis
🎥 Movie camera U+1F3A5
🎞 Film frames U+1F39E
📽 Film Projector U+1F4FD
🎬 Clapper board U+1F3AC
📺 Television U+1F4FA
📷 Camera U+1F4F7
📸 Camera with flash U+1F4F8
📹 Video camera U+1F4F9
📼 Video cassete U+1F4FC
🔍 Magnifying glass tilted left U+1F50D
🔎 Magnifying glass tilted right U+1F50E
🕯 Candle U+1F56F
💡 Light bulb U+1F4A1
🔦 Flashlight U+1F526
🏮 Red pepper lantern U+1F3EE
🪔 Diya lamp U+1FA94
Book and Paper Emojis
📔 Notebook with decorative cover U+1F4D4
📕 Closed notebook U+1F4D5
📖 Opened notebook U+1F4D6
📗 Green book U+1F4D7
📘 Blue book U+1F4D8
📙 Orange book U+1F4D9
📚 Orange books U+1F4DA
📓 Notebook U+1F4D3
📒 Ledger U+1F4D2
📃 Page with curl U+1F4C3
📜 Scroll U+1F4DC
📄 Page facing up U+1F4C4
📰 Newspaper U+1F4F0
🗞 Rolled-up newspaper U+1F5DE
📑 Bookmark tabs U+1F4D1
🔖 Bookmark U+1F516
🏷 Label U+1F3F7
💰 Money bag U+1F4B0
🪙 Coin U+1FA99
💴 Yen banknote U+1F4B4
💵 Dollar banknote U+1F4B5
💶 Euro banknote U+1F4B6
💷 Pound banknote U+1F4B7
💸 Money with wings U+1F4B8
💳 Credit card U+1F4B3
🧾 Receipt U+1F9FE
💹 Chart increase woth Yen U+1F4B9
Mail Emojis
Envelope U+2709
📧 e-mail U+1F4E7
📩 Envelope with arrow U+1F4E9
📤 Outbox tray U+1F4E4
📥 Inbox tray U+1F4E5
📦 Package U+1F4E6
📫 Closed mailbox with raised flag U+1F4EB
📪 Closed mailbox with lowered flag U+1F4EA
📬 Open mailbox with raised flag U+1F4EC
📭 Open mailbox with lowered flag U+1F4ED
📮 Postbox U+1F4EE
🗳 Ballot box with ballot U+1F5F3
Pencil U+270F
Black nib U+2712
🖋 Fountain pen U+1F58B
🖊 Pen U+1F58A
🖌 Paintbrush U+1F58C
🖍 Crayon U+1F58D
📝 Memo U+1F4DD
Office Emojis
💼 Briefcase U+1F4BC
📁 File folder U+1F4C1
📂 Open the folder U+1F4C2
🗂 Card index dividers U+1F5C2
📅 Calender U+1F4C5
📆 Tear off calender U+1F4C6
📇 Card index U+1F4C7
📈 Increasing chart U+1F4C8
📉 Decreasing chart U+1F4C9
📊 Bar chart U+1F4CA
📋 Clipboard U+1F4CB
📌 Pushpin U+1F4CC
📍 Round pushpin U+1F4CD
📎 Paperclip U+1F4CE
🖇 Linked paperclips U+1F587
📏 Straight ruler U+1F4CF
📐 Triangular ruler U+1F4D0
Scissors U+2702
🗃 Card file box U+1F5C3
🗄 File cabinet U+1F5C4
🗑 Waste basket U+1F5D1
Lock Emojis
🔒 Locked U+1F512
🔓 Unlocked U+1F513
🔏 Locked with pen U+1F50F
🔐 Locked with key U+1F510
🔑 Key U+1F511
🗝 Old key U+1F5DD
Tool Emojis
🔨 Hammer U+1F528
🪓 Axe U+1FA93
Pick U+26CF
Hammer and pick U+2692
🛠 Hammer and wrench U+1F6E0
🗡 Sword U+1F5E1
Crossed swords U+2694
🔫 Water gun U+1F52B
🪃 Boomerang U+1FA83
🏹 Bow and arrow U+1F3F9
🛡 Shield U+1F6E1
🪚 Carpentry saw U+1FA9A
🔧 Wrench U+1F527
🪛 Screwdriver U+1FA9B
🔩 Bolt and nut U+1F529
Wheel U+2699
🗜 Clamp U+1F5DC
Balance scale U+2696
🦯 White cane U+1F9AF
🔗 Link U+1F517
Chains U+26D3
🪝 Hook U+1FA9D
🧰 Toolbox U+1F9F0
🧲 Magnet U+1F9F2
🪜 Ladder U+1FA9C
Science Emojis
Alembic U+2697
🧪 Test tube U+1F9EA
🧫 Petri dish U+1F9EB
🔬 Microscope U+1F52C
🔭 Telescope U+1F52D
📡 Satelite antenna U+1F4E1
Medical Emojis
💉 Syringe U+1F489
🩸 A droplet of blood U+1FA78
💊 Pill U+1F48A
🩹 Adhesive bandage 🩹
🩼 Clutch U+1FA7C
🩺 Stethoscope U+1FA7A
🩻 X-ray U+1FA7B
Household Emojis
🚪 Door U+1F6AA
🛗 Elevator U+1F6D7
🪞 Mirror U+1FA9E
🪟 Window U+1FA9F
🛏 Bed U+1F6CF
🛋 Couch and lamp U+1F6CB
🪑 Chair U+1FA91
🚽 Toilet U+1F6BD
🪠 Plunger U+1FAA0
🚿 Shower U+1F6BF
🛁 Bathtub U+1F6C1
🪤 Mouse trap U+1FAA4
🪒 Razor U+1FA92
🧴 Lotion bottle U+1F9F4
🧷 Safety pin U+1F9F7
🧹 Broom U+1F9F9
🧺 Basket U+1F9FA
🧻 Roll of paper U+1F9FB
🪣 Bucket U+1FAA3
🧼 Soap U+1F9FC
🫧 Bubbles U+1FAE7
🪥 Toothbrush U+1FAA5
🧽 Sponge U+1F9FD
🧯 Fire extinguisher U+1F9EF
🛒 Shopping cart U+1F6D2
Other Objects Emojis
🚬 Cigarette U+1F6AC
Casket U+26B0
🪦 Headstone U+1FAA6
Funeral urn U+26B1
🗿 Mole U+1F5FF
🪧 Placard U+1FAA7
🪪 ID Card U+1FAAA
🏧 ATM Sign U+1F3E7
🚮 Litter in bin U+1F6AE
🚰 Portable water U+1F6B0
Wheelchair symbol U+267F
🚹 Men's room symbol U+1F6B9
🚺 Women's room symbol U+1F6BA
🚻 Restroom symbol U+1F6BB
🚼 Baby symbol U+1F6BC
🚾 Water closet U+1F6BE
🛂 Passport control U+1F6C2
🛂 Customs U+1F6C3
🛄 Baggage claim U+1F6C4
🛅 Left laugage U+1F6C5
**Warning Emojis
Warning U+26A0
🚸 Children crossing U+1F6B8
No entry U+26D4
🚫 Prohibited U+1F6AB
🚳 No bicycles U+1F6B3
🚭 No smoking U+1F6AD
🚯 No littering U+1F6AF
🚱 Non-portable water U+1F6B1
🚷 No pedestrians U+1F6B7
📵 No mobile phones U+1F4F5
🔞 No one under 18 U+1F51E
Radioactive U+2622
Biohazard U+2623
Arrow Emojis
Up Arrow U+2B06
Up-right arrow U+2197
Right arrow U+27A1
Down-right arrow U+2198
Down arrow U+2B07
Down-left arrow U+2199
Left arrow U+2B05
Up-left arrow U+2196
Up-down arrow U+2195
Left arrow U+2194
Right arrow curving left U+21A9
Left arrow curving right U+21AA
Right arrow curving up U+2934
Right arrow curving down U+2935
🔃 Clockwise vertical arrow U+1F503
🔄 Counterclockwise arrows button U+1F504
🔙 Back arrow U+1F519
🔚 End arrow U+1F51A
🔛 On arrow U+1F51B
🔜 Soon arrow U+1F51C
🔝 Top arrow U+1F51D
🛐 Place of worship U+1F6D0
Atom symbol U+269B
🕉 OM U+1F549
Star of David U+2721
Wheel of Dharma U+2638
Yin yang U+262F
Latin cross U+271D
ORthodox cross U+2626
Star and cresent moon U+262A
Peace U+262E
🕎 Menorah U+1F54E
🔯 Six-pointed star U+1F52F
Aries U+2648
Taurus U+2649
Gemini U+264A
Cancer U+264B
Leo U+264C
Virgo U+264D
Libra U+264E
Scorpio U+264F
Sagittarius U+2650
Capricon U+2651
Acquarius U+2652
Pisces U+2653
Ophiucus U+26CE
AV Symbols
🔀 Shuffle tracks U+1F500
🔁 Repeat all U+1F501
🔂 Repeat one U+1F502
Play U+25B6
Pause U+23F8
Fast-forward U+23E9
Next track U+23ED
Play or pause U+23EF
Reverse U+25C0
Fast-reverse U+23EA
Previous track U+23EE
🔼 Upwards U+1F53C
Fst-up U+23EB
🔽 Downwards U+1F53D
Fast down U+23EC
Stop U+23F9
Record U+23FA
Eject U+23CF
🎦 Cinema U+1F3A6
🔅 Dim U+1F505
🔆 Bright U+1F506
📶 Network antenna bars U+1F4F6
📳 Vibration mode U+1F4F3
📴 Mobile phone off U+1F4F4
Female U+2640
Male U+2642
Transgender U+26A7
Math Symbols
Times U+2716
Plus U+2795
Minus U+2796
Divide U+2797
🟰 Equals U+1F7F0
Infinity U+267E
Punctuation Symbols
Double exclamation U+203C
Exclamation and question mark U+2049
Red question mark U+2753
White question mark U+2754
Red exclamation mark U+2757
White exclamation mark U+2755
Wavy dash U+3030
💱 Currency exchange U+1F4B1
💲 Heavy green dollar sign U+1F4B2
Other Symbols
Medical symbol U+2695
Recycling symbol U+267B
Fleur-de-lis U+269C
🔱 Trident U+1F531
📛 Name badge U+1F4DB
🔰 Japanese symbol for beginner U+1F530
Hollow red circle U+2B55
Green box with checkmark U+2705
Blue box with checkmark U+2611
Checkmark U+2714
Crossmark U+274C
Green crossmark U+274E
Curly loop U+27B0
Double curly loop U+27BF
PArt alternation mark U+303D
Eight-spoked asterik U+2733
Eight-pointed star U+2734
Sparkle U+2747
© Copyright symbol U+00A9
® Registered U+00AE
Trademark U+2122
#️⃣ # Keycap U+20E3
*️⃣ * Keycap U+20E3
0️⃣ 0 Keycap U+20E3
1️⃣ 1 Keycap U+20E3
2️⃣ 2 Keycap U+20E3
3️⃣ 3 Keycap U+20E3
4️⃣ 4 Keycap U+20E3
5️⃣ 5 Keycap U+20E3
6️⃣ 6 Keycap U+20E3
7️⃣ 7 Keycap U+20E3
8️⃣ 8 Keycap U+20E3
9️⃣ 9 Keycap U+20E3
🔟 10 Keycap U+1F51F
Alphanum Symbols
🔠 Input Latin uppercase U+1F520
🔡 Input Latin lowercase U+1F521
🔢 Input numbers U+1F522
🔣 Input symbols U+1F523
🔤 Input Latin letters U+1F524
🅰 A blood type U+1F170
🆎 AB blood type U+1F18E
🅱 B blood type U+1F171
🅾 O blood type U+1F17E
🆑 CL button U+1F191
🆒 Cool button U+1F192
🆓 Free button U+1F193
Info button U+2139
🆔 ID button U+1F194
Circled M U+24C2
🆕 New button U+1F195
🆖 NG button U+1F196
🆗 OK button U+1F197
🅿 P button U+1F17F
🆘 SOS button U+1F198
🆙 UP! button U+1F199
🆚 VS Button U+1F19A
Japanese Buttons
🈁 Japanese "here" button U+1F201
🈂 Japanese "service charge" button U+1F202
🈷 Japanese "monthly amount" button U+1F237
🈶 Japanese "not free of charge" button U+1F236
🈯 Japanese "reserved" button U+1F22F
🉐 Japanese "bargain" button U+1F250
🈹 Japanese "discount" button U+1F239
🈚 Japanese "free of charge" button U+1F21A
🈲 Japanese "prohibited" button U+1F232
🉑 Japanese "acceptable" button U+1F251
🈸 Japanese "application" button U+1F238
🈴 Japanese "passing grade" button U+1F234
🈳 Japanese "vacancy" button U+1F233
Japanese "congratulations" button U+3297
Japanese "secret" button U+3299
🈺 Japanese "open for business" button U+1F23A
🈵 Japanese "no vacancy" button U+1F235
Geometric Emojis
🔴 Red circle U+1F534
🟠 Orange circle U+1F7E0
🟡 Yellow circle U+1F7E1
🟢 Green circle U+1F7E2
🔵 Blue circle U+1F535
🟣 Purple circle U+1F7E3
🟤 Brown circle U+1F7E4
Black circle U+26AB
White circle U+26AA
🟥 Red square U+1F7E5
🟧 Orange square U+1F7E5
🟨 Yellow square U+1F7E8
🟩 Green square U+1F7E9
🟦 Blue square U+1F7E6
🟪 Purple square U+1F7EA
🟫 Brown square U+1F7EB
Black square U+2B1B
White square U+2B1C
🔶 Large orange diamond U+1F536
🔷 Large blue diamond U+1F537
🔸 Small orange diamond U+1F538
🔹 Small blue diamond U+1F539
🔺 Red triangle pointed up U+1F53A
🔻 Red triangle pointed down U+1F53B
💠 Diamond with a dot U+1F4A0
🔘 Radio button U+1F518
🔳 White square button U+1F533
🔲 Black square button U+1F532
🏁 Chequered flag U+1F3C1
🚩 Triangular flag U+1F6A9
🎌 Crossed flag U+1F38C
🏴 Black flag U+1F3F4
🏳 White flag U+1F3F3
🏳️‍🌈 Rainbow flag U+1F308
🏳️‍⚧️ Transgender flag U+FE0F
🏴‍☠️ Pirate flag U+2620
Country Flags
🇦🇨 Ascension Island flag U+1F1E8
🇦🇩 Andorra flag U+1F1E9
🇦🇪 UAE flag U+1F1EA
🇦🇫 Afghanistan flag U+1F1EB
🇦🇬 Antigua and Berbuda flag U+1F1EC
🇦🇮 Anguila flag U+1F1EE
🇦🇱 Albania flag U+1F1F1
🇦🇲 Armenia flag U+1F1F2
🇦🇴 Angola flag U+1F1F4
🇦🇶 Antarctica flag U+1F1F6
🇦🇷 Argentina flag U+1F1F7
🇦🇸 American Samoa flag U+1F1F8
🇦🇹 Austria flag U+1F1F9
🇦🇺 Australia flag U+1F1FA
🇦🇼 Aruba flag U+1F1FC
🇦🇽 Åland Islands flag U+1F1FD
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan flag U+1F1FF
🇧🇦 Bosnia flag U+1F1E6
🇧🇧 Barbados flag U+1F1E7
🇧🇩 Bangladesh flag U+1F1E9
🇧🇪 Belgium flag U+1F1EA
🇧🇫 Burkina Faso flag U+1F1EB
🇧🇬 Bulgaria flag U+1F1EC
🇧🇭 Bahrain flag U+1F1ED
🇧🇮 Burundi flag U+1F1EE
🇧🇯 Benin Republic flag U+1F1EF
🇧🇱 St. Barthélemy U+1F1F1
🇧🇲 Bermuda flag U+1F1F2
🇧🇳 Brunei flag U+1F1F3
🇧🇴 Bolivia flag U+1F1F4
🇧🇶 Caribbean Netherlands flag U+1F1F6
🇧🇷 Brazil flag U+1F1F7
🇧🇸 Bahamas flag U+1F1F8
🇧🇹 Bhutan flag U+1F1F9
🇧🇻 Bouvet Island flag U+1F1FB
🇧🇼 Botswana flag U+1F1FC
🇧🇾 Belarus flag U+1F1FE
🇧🇿 Belize flag U+1F1FF
🇨🇦 Canada flag U+1F1E6
🇨🇨 Cocos Islands flag U+1F1E8
🇨🇩 Congo DR flag U+1F1E9
🇨🇫 CAR (Central African Republic) flag U+1F1EB
🇨🇬 Congo Brazzaville flag U+1F1EC
🇨🇭 Switzerland flag U+1F1ED
🇨🇮 Côte d’Ivoire flag U+1F1EE
🇨🇰 Cook Islands flag U+1F1F0
🇨🇱 Chile flag U+1F1F1
🇨🇲 Cameroun flag U+1F1F2
🇨🇳 China flag U+1F1F3
🇨🇴 Columbia flag U+1F1F4
🇨🇵 Clipperton Island flag U+1F1F5
🇨🇷 Costa Rica flag U+1F1F7
🇨🇺 Cuba flag U+1F1FA
🇨🇻 Cape Verde Island flag U+1F1FB
🇨🇼 Curaçao flag U+1F1FC
🇨🇽 Christmas Island flag U+1F1FD
🇨🇾 Cyprus flag U+1F1FE
🇩🇪 Germany flag U+1F1EA
🇩🇬 Diego Garcia flag U+1F1EC
🇩🇯 Djibouti flag U+1F1EF
🇩🇰 Denmark flag U+1F1F0
🇩🇲 Dominica flag U+1F1F2
🇩🇴 Dominican Republic flag U+1F1F4
🇩🇿 Algeria flag U+1F1FF
🇪🇦 Ceuta & Melilla flag U+1F1E6
🇪🇨 Ecuador flag U+1F1E8
🇪🇪 Estonia U+1F1EA
🇪🇬 Egypt flag U+1F1EC
🇪🇭 Western Sahara flag U+1F1ED
🇪🇷 Eritrea flag U+1F1F7
🇪🇸 Spain flag U+1F1F8
🇪🇹 Ethiopia flag U+1F1F9
🇪🇺 EU flag U+1F1FA
🇫🇮 Finland flag U+1F1EE
🇫🇯 Fiji flag U+1F1EF
🇫🇰 Falkland Island flag U+1F1F0
🇫🇲 Micronesia flag U+1F1F2
🇫🇴 Faroe Island flag U+1F1F4
🇫🇷 France flag U+1F1F7
🇬🇦 Gabon flag U+1F1E6
🇬🇧 United Kingdom flag U+1F1E7
🇬🇩 Grenada flag U+1F1E9
🇬🇪 Georgia flag U+1F1EA
🇬🇫 French Guiana flag U+1F1EB
🇬🇬 Guernsey flag U+1F1EC
🇬🇭 Ghana flag U+1F1ED
🇬🇮 Gibraltar flag U+1F1EE
🇬🇱 Greenland flag U+1F1F1
🇬🇲 Gambia flag U+1F1F2
🇬🇳 Guinea flag U+1F1F3
🇬🇵 Guadeloupe flag U+1F1F5
🇬🇶 Equitorial Guinea flag U+1F1F6
🇬🇷 Greece flag U+1F1F7
🇬🇸 South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands flag U+1F1F8
🇬🇹 Guatemala flag U+1F1F9
🇬🇺 Guam flag
🇬🇼 Guinea Bissau flag U+1F1FC
🇬🇾 Guyana flag U+1F1FE
🇭🇰 Hong Kong flag U+1F1F0
🇭🇲 Heard & McDonald Islands flag U+1F1F2
🇭🇳 Honduras flag U+1F1F3
🇭🇷 Croatia flag U+1F1F7
🇭🇹 Haiti flag U+1F1F9
🇭🇺 Hungary flag U+1F1FA
🇮🇨 Canary Islands flag U+1F1E8
🇮🇩 Indonesia flag U+1F1E9
🇮🇪 Island flag U+1F1EA
🇮🇱 Israel flag U+1F1F1
🇮🇲 Isle of Man flag U+1F1F2
🇮🇳 India flag U+1F1F3
🇮🇴 British Indian Ocean Territory flag U+1F1F4
🇮🇶 Iraq flag U+1F1F6
🇮🇷 Iran flag U+1F1F7
🇮🇸 Iceland flag U+1F1F8
🇮🇹 Italy flag U+1F1F9
🇯🇪 Jersey flag U+1F1EA
🇯🇲 Jamaica flag U+1F1F2
🇯🇴 Jordan flag U+1F1F4
🇯🇵 Japan flag U+1F1F5
🇰🇪 Kenya flag U+1F1EA
🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan flag U+1F1EC
🇰🇭 U+1F1ED
🇰🇭 Cambodia flag U+1F1ED
🇰🇮 Kiribati flag U+1F1EE
🇰🇲 Comoros Island flag U+1F1F2
🇰🇳 St. Kitts & Nevis Flag U+1F1F3
🇰🇵 North Korea flag U+1F1F5
🇰🇷 South Korea flag U+1F1F7
🇰🇼 Kuwait flag U+1F1FC
🇰🇾 Cayman Island flag U+1F1FE
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan flag U+1F1FF
🇱🇦 Laos flag U+1F1E6
🇱🇧 Lebanon flag U+1F1E7
🇱🇨 St. Lucia flag U+1F1E8
🇱🇮 Liechtenstein flag U+1F1EE
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka flag U+1F1F0
🇱🇷 Liberia flag U+1F1F7
🇱🇸 Lesotho flag U+1F1F8
🇱🇹 LIthuania flag U+1F1F9
🇱🇻 Latvia flag U+1F1FB
🇱🇾 Libya flag U+1F1FE
🇲🇦 Morocco flag U+1F1E6
🇲🇨 Monaco flag U+1F1E8
🇲🇩 Moldova flag U+1F1E9
🇲🇪 Montenegro flag U+1F1EA
🇲🇬 Montenegro flag U+1F1EC
🇲🇭 Marshall Islands flag U+1F1ED
🇲🇰 North Macedonia flag U+1F1F0
🇲🇱 Mali flag U+1F1F1
🇲🇲 Myanmar flag U+1F1F2
🇲🇳 Mongolia flag U+1F1F3
🇲🇴 Macao flag U+1F1F4
🇲🇵 Northern Mariana Islands flag U+1F1F5
🇲🇶 Marthinique flag U+1F1F6
🇲🇷 Mauritania flag U+1F1F7
🇲🇸 Montserrat flag U+1F1F8
🇲🇹 Malta flag U+1F1F9
🇲🇺 Mauritius flag U+1F1FA
🇲🇻 Maldives flag U+1F1FB
🇲🇼 Malawi flag U+1F1FC
🇲🇽 Mexico flag U+1F1FD
🇲🇾 Malaysia flag U+1F1FE
🇲🇿 Mozambique flag U+1F1FF
🇳🇦 Namibia flag U+1F1E6
🇳🇨 New Caledonia flag U+1F1E8
🇳🇪 Niger flag U+1F1EA
🇳🇫 Norfolk Island flag U+1F1EB
🇳🇬 Nigeria flag U+1F1EC
🇳🇮 Nicaragua flag U+1F1EE
🇳🇱 Netherlands flag U+1F1F1
🇳🇴 Norway flag U+1F1F4
🇳🇵 Nepal flag U+1F1F5
🇳🇷 Nauru flag U+1F1F7
🇳🇺 Niue flag U+1F1FA
🇳🇿 New Zealand flag U+1F1FF
🇴🇲 Oman flag U+1F1F2
🇵🇦 Panama flag U+1F1E6
🇵🇪 Peru flag U+1F1EA
🇵🇫 French Polynesia flag U+1F1EB
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea flag U+1F1EC
🇵🇭 Philipines flag U+1F1ED
🇵🇰 Pakistan flag U+1F1F0
🇵🇱 Poland flag U+1F1F1
🇵🇲 St. Pierre & Miquelon U+1F1F2
🇵🇳 Pitcairn Islands flag U+1F1F3
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico flag U+1F1F7
🇵🇸 Palestinian Territories flag U+1F1F8
🇵🇹 Portugal flag U+1F1F9
🇵🇼 Palau flag U+1F1FC
🇵🇾 Paraguay flag U+1F1FE
🇶🇦 Qatar flag U+1F1E6
🇷🇪 Réunion flag U+1F1EA
🇷🇸 Serbia flag U+1F1F8
🇷🇺 Russia flag U+1F1FA
🇷🇼 Rwanda flag U+1F1FC
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia flag U+1F1E6
🇸🇧 Solomon Islands U+1F1E7
🇸🇨 Seychelles flag U+1F1E8
🇸🇩 Sudan flag U+1F1E9
🇸🇪 Sweeden flag U+1F1EA
🇸🇬 Singapore flag U+1F1EC
🇸🇭 St. Helena flag U+1F1ED
🇸🇮 Slovenia flag U+1F1EE
🇸🇯 Svalbard & Jan Mayen U+1F1EF
🇸🇰 Slovakia flag U+1F1F0
🇸🇱 Sierra Leone flag U+1F1F1
🇸🇲 San Marino flag U+1F1F2
🇸🇳 Senegal flag U+1F1F3
🇸🇴 Somalia flag U+1F1F4
🇸🇷 Suriname flag U+1F1F7
🇸🇸 South Sudan flag U+1F1F8
🇸🇹 São Tomé & Príncipe flag U+1F1F9
🇸🇻 El Salvador flag U+1F1FB
🇸🇽 Saint Maarten flag U+1F1FD
🇸🇾 Syria flag U+1F1FE
🇸🇿 Eswatini (Swaziland) flag U+1F1FF
🇹🇦 Tristan da Cunha flag U+1F1E6
🇹🇨 Turks & Caicos Islands flag U+1F1E8
🇹🇩 Chad flag U+1F1E9
🇹🇫 French Southern Territories flag U+1F1EB
🇹🇬 Togo flag U+1F1EC
🇹🇭 Thailand flag U+1F1ED
🇹🇯 Tajikistan flag U+1F1EF
🇹🇰 Tokelau flag U+1F1F0
🇹🇱 Timor-Leste flag U+1F1F1
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan flag U+1F1F2
🇹🇳 Tunisia flag U+1F1F3
🇹🇴 Tonga flag U+1F1F4
🇹🇷 Turkey flag U+1F1F7
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago flag U+1F1F9
🇹🇻 Tuvalu flag U+1F1FB
🇹🇼 Taiwan flag U+1F1FC
🇹🇿 Tanzania flag U+1F1FF
🇺🇦 Ukraine flag U+1F1E6
🇺🇬 Uganda flag U+1F1EC
🇺🇲 US Outlying Islands flag U+1F1F2
🇺🇳 United Nations (UN) flag U+1F1F3
🇺🇸 United State flag U+1F1F8
🇺🇾 Uruguay flag U+1F1FE
🇺🇿 Uzbekistan flag U+1F1FF
🇻🇦 Vatical City flag U+1F1E6
🇻🇨 St. Vincent & Grenadines flag U+1F1E8
🇻🇪 Venezuela flag U+1F1EA
🇻🇬 British Virgin Islands flag U+1F1EC
🇻🇮 U.S. Virgin Islands U+1F1EE
🇻🇮 Vietnam flag U+1F1F3
🇻🇺 Vanuatu flag U+1F1FA
🇼🇫 Wallis & Futuna flag U+1F1EB
🇼🇸 Samoa flag U+1F1F8
🇽🇰 Kosovo flag U+1F1F0
🇾🇪 Yemen flag U+1F1EA
🇾🇹 Mayotte flag U+1F1F9
🇿🇦 South Africa flag U+1F1E6
🇿🇲 Zambia flag U+1F1F2
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe flag U+1F1FC
British Subdivision Flags
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England flag U+E0067
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland flag U+E0062
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Wales flag U+E0073
